Chapter 7- calling the Beauties

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I walked on my wobbly human legs imagining myself in unicorn version doing the same. I looked childish.

It was a wrong thing to nature. To abandon my forest and be something I am not. An idea came to me," Laniard, maybe this time all the unicorns can help me. there is a magic spell we can preform all together, and it only works when all the unicorns do it......A spell to vanish the complete being of something. We were given this power to protect the forests."

"Then how come the unicorns that got pushed into the sea didn't try it before?",laniard scoffed.

"Because they needed all the Unicorns. They didn't have me.",i say.

"I suppose so. But how do you think you shall call them.",laniard was challenging me and I knew it.

I grinned. He underestimated me. "you need to turn me back into a unicorn. they won't sense my presence if I'm human. Just this once."

"Don't you think it'll be too dangerous if the Red bull feels Unicorn presence all in one place?"
" We can stop them..",I said knowing I am risking the whole world. if Unicorns are gone, then all the forests will die, and this place would be good as dead.

He nodded his head,sprinkled the dust,and I was back to myself.

Just for fun I tried walking like a human. it did look silly!

"What are you doing?!", Laniard had no patience now.

"Just a thing Unicorns do before starting a spell my prince."

I smirked. Laniards eyebrows furrowed. I raised my hooves and neighed. the moonlit forest gave me the strength. the magic flowed and coursed through all my veins, I tried to bring it out, it shout out through my horn. More. the purple light zapped into the sky covering it. MORE.My whole body permeated with pain and electric. My power enclosed the clouds and soon the Moon. MORE!!!! MY UNICORN FRIENDS, IT IS OUR TIME TO DESTROY THE RED BULL WITH THE POWER OF UNITY!!!!!! The sky glowed. The power's flowing faded from my body and I collapsed on the ground. My body ached. I had nothing more to give. I felt empty and exhausted.

The sound of hoofbeats shaking the ground filled me with relief. "it worked.", I sighed as I closed my eyes.

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