Chapter 6 - human again

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I watched in horror as her muzzle disappeared. her hooves changed into hands. the magic dust swirled around her, glowing so I could only see the figure. suddenly she lost her fur and grew hair and the dust stopped glowing and I saw her.

Her white hair flowed. and she was unusually still white. she had a pink star on her head where her horn had been.her purple unicorn eyes sparkled. wait no.

" She's human!", I gasped. Oh Amalthea what is the forest gonna do without our beloved unicorn watching over us.

Lir acting like this is all normal draped a cloth over her. I can't watch! I have to tell the animals!

Amalthea's POV

"Why have you done this to me again?", I cried and tried to regain my balance with human form.

" Do I have to keep on telling you this?!", He yelled. which his old self wouldn't have done." the red bull only pushes the Unicorns to the sea. If you are human then he won't recognize you." " but what can I do like this?", I started to get annoyed.

" You can use your Unicom powers to push him to the sea again!"

"But that was last time. now we know it didn't work. so why would we try again?"

" So cast a spell!!! We will figure it out on the way. we have to get moving."

I glared at him," fine!!"

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