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The legend says that the red bull pushed all the unicorns to the ends of the earth. The ancient king haggard kept the bull in a cave and if he saw a unicorn he would tell the bull to push it into the sea. He did this till he thought all unicorns were gone. But one remained and when she found that out ,she made her journey to find out if she was truly the last. she met two people on the way. when she reached the castle of haggard with her two friends, one of her friends was a magician who accidentally changed her into a girl so the red bull whom they ran into would leave her alone, it saved her life but she would've rather died. they reached the castle and she and the adopted son of king haggard fell inlove. king haggard finally was able to see through her disguise , but it was useless because in the end she (in unicorn form) pushed the red bull into the sea releasing all the unicorns.


Oh yes and one more this story unicorns are given the responsibility to take care of a forest and animals with it. so the last unicorn whom was immortal along with the other unicorns, returned to their forests. if you're wondering about the last unicorn's and the adopted son of king haggards love, they parted ways because the animal side of her , had no affection for a human. but when the red bull hurt the adopted son, that's what got the last unicorn( Amalthea ) mad. so maybe, just maybe , her live for Prince Lir isn't gone completely. I hope you like this story. if ur confused please ask about stuff.

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