Chapter 2 ~meeting

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Amalthea's POV

I can't believe my eyes. It's Prince Lir. I walked closer to see if it was true. Were my eyes playing tricks on me? I was so confused.

Lir's POV

I can't believe I am finally seeing her. Well I know, now that she's an animal she won't have feelings for me anymore. I still am content that I get to see her. She was and still is so beautiful. though I would have preferred her in her human form. I just gazed at her dreamily.

Amalthea's POV

He's staring at me weirdly. I am scared. Ok. I just need to breathe. i mean how long are we going to spend thinking? " Good evening Lir. what brings you here?", I straightened up my posture. I am a lady after all. " oh my beautiful unicorn , I did not come here for any business. so no need to be formal.", he smiled . there was something about Prince Lir that had changed. He was not that soft anymore. something inside him had hardened. Maybe something in his life had changed.

"What did you come for ?" , I questioned afraid.

" I have come to see if you still have feelings for me."

" You would not want an animal to be your lady. Trust me."

" Animal or not, I just want to know if you love me. I can't live like this any longer."

I sighed. I truly don't know. I have been focused on protecting my forest that I did not focus on my own feelings . had it not been the same for him ? Humans are selfish. I don't know why I can't like him anymore. The feelings I had for him when I was human , vanished when smendrick the magician changed me back into myself. An animal. I just can't feel it. what should I tell him? He had changed me enough. unicorns were only supposed to be sorrowful , and feel no regret. But I felt it. it had ruined me. still I am glad I met him.


Ok I am very sorry but I am not good at doing large chapters but I will try. Comment and vote I am soooo excited. 34 reads !!! that's the highest any of my books got. thanks. I really appreciate guys. so what do u think Amalthea should say? Comment.

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