Chapter 5- changing form

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Amalthea's POV
I awoke to the sound of Choppy," Amalthea, grouchy boy's calling you. Then he mumbled something that I couldn't catch.

The sun showered my fur with light. I blinked and in moments I found myself running towards the prince's den, or whatever humans called them.

" Amalthea. I was looking for you everywhere.", he wrapped his arms around my neck. No true feelings put in there. "well I was right where we fell asleep-", I stopped myself. next to each other, I thought, as I backed away.

"Oh right my lady. I have forgotten." his old self would've said please forgive me but he was changed. It made me feel so insecure and unsure. He was far less predictable.

Choppy's POV
I just stared at Amalthea as she left me in the dust, running to Laniard. why must she always forget about me. It is I who has always stayed loyal to her. Yet, she still.........

My tail was twitching. oh boy, oh boy,oh boy! That is a very bad sign. I have to check on Amalthea. I raced through the fir trees and thickets.  Finally I reached Lir's den thing.

I peeked through the bushes.
Lir held up a pouch. " you didn't steal that from Smendrick did you?", Amalthea gasped in horror I sighed. why does she still expect more from him? I gazed at Lir. "well he wouldn't give it to me", Lir sprinkled the dust on Amalthea. Amalthea cried as she pawed at the air with her hooves. she neighed and neighed until......
Shout out to @ethanstrahota for voting for my book. I am very happy that I at least have one fan? So thank you for helping.

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