Chapter 7:

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I'm pushed into the pool.

The icy cold water engulfs me and it feels as if it's trying to enter my body. I open my mouth and the water gets in choking me. In an instant, I'm transported back to that night at the private school.

'Look she can't even swim.' 

My feet touch the bottom of the pool and I'm transported back to that night.

'Maybe we should hold her down.' The girls laugh as one of them pushes my head down to stay under the water.

I struggle to breathe and splash my arms out as I try to swim.

Hands wrap around my waist and carry me up to the surface. My head comes out of the water and I take a gulp of air.

I'm pulled out of the pool. I'm shaking and coughing. I look up and Zoya wraps a towel around me.

'Are you fucking crazy!' Someone yells. I look up and see Diana yelling at Adriano.

I bury my head in Raphael's chest and he pulls me closer to him. The smell of Cedar takes over me. He cups my face in his hands and wipes my tears.

Raphael helps me up. I look down at my now soaked white shirt. It's gone see-through so everyone gets a clear view of my dark red, lace bra. I wrap the towel around my body.

'I am so sorry Dilara.' Adriano says. I look up at him and he actually looks concerned.

'Don't come near her.' Raphael snarls.

'No one's speaking to you.' Adriano snaps.

'You're an asshole.' Raphael snarls.

Adriano pushes him and Rapahel punches him. Before anyone knows what's happening Adriano is on top of Raphael.

'Hey! Hey!' Alessandro yells pushing them apart. Lorenzo grabs Raphael and Terzo grabs Adriano.

'Calm down.' Terzo says.

'Leave Dilara alone.' Raphael snaps.

'You need to mind your fucking business stronzo.' Adriano snarls.

Translation: bitch

'Raphael leave it.' I say glaring at Adriano. 'I'm going home.'

'Let me give you a ride.' Adriano says.

'Debes verme como un idiota si crees queue dejare te acerques a mi.' I snap in Spanish.

Translation: You must see me as an idiot if you think I'll let you get close to me.

'Confía en mí, él no te ve como una idiota.' Zoya replies.

Translation: Trust me, he doesn't see you as an idiot.

'Can I have my phone back.' I say to Raphael. He takes my phone out of his pocket and hands it to me.

'I'll see you at school.' I say.

I wrap the towel around me tighter and walk out of the house. I scroll through my phone and press Mimi's number. After a couple of rings, she finally answers.

'Hey, girl!' She exclaims. 'How was the party?'

'Fue terrible, lo odié.' I snarl.

Translation: It was terrible, I hated it.

'Uh-oh, you're speaking in Spanish, it was that bad huh.' she says.

'Just come pick me up please.' I say.

'Send the address and Alex and I should be there soon.' She replies. I end the call and text her the address. I sit down on the pavement waiting for her.

'Dilara I'm so sorry.' A voice says. I look behind me and see Adriano. He sits down next to me.

I look down at my phone, ignoring him.

'I'm so sorry.' He says again.

'No need to repeat yourself, I ignored you just fine the first time.' I snap.

'I didn't think you'd freak out like that.' He says. I ignore him. Hopefully he'll go away.

'I have a fear of swimming.' I say.

'I figured that out.' He says.

'I got drowned by the bullies at my private school when I was twelve.' I continue. 'I haven't been In water since, except for today.' He stays quiet.

Alex's black BMW stops in front of me. I get up.

'I'll see you at school.' I say.

I open the door and get into the car. Mimi turns to face me.

'What happened to you chica?' Mimi asks.

'It's a long story, I just want to get home.' I say.

'Boyfriend issues?' Alex asks signalling to Adriano.

'No.' I snap. 'Just take me home.'

Alex starts the car and drives off, leaving the party and Adriano behind us.

I look in the mirror and see that my makeup is a melting mess on my face. I just want this day to be over already.

After a while we finally reach my house.

'Do you want me to come in with you?' Mimi asks.

'Go have fun with Alex.' I say. 'Just bring me back something to eat.'

'Sure thing.' She says. She waves goodbye and Alex drives off.

I take out my keys from my pocket and open up the door. I switch on all the lights and lock the door behind me.

I take off my shoes and put them by the door. I walk up the stairs and go to my bathroom.

I open the tap and fill the bath with warm water. I put my towel in the dirty clothes basket.

I walk to my room and sit at my vanity. I open my pack of makeup wipes and start removing my makeup.

When I'm done I walk to my wardrobe and take out a grey cropped hoodie and matching sweatpants. I take out a black bra and matching underwear.

I grab a new towel and take off my soaked clothes. I get into the warm water and relax.

The water feels amazing against my skin. I dip my head underwater. I resurface and start washing my hair and body.

I get up and wrap a towel around me. I open the drain and let the soapy water out.

I dry myself off and put on my new clothes. I put my hair in a towel and sit on my bed and open my laptop and check my emails. My job application to work at an Italian restaurant called Belissime  got accepted, I start tomorrow.

I put an alarm for 8:30am on my phone. I have to be there at nine.

I relax on my bed and fall asleep.

I hope you're all enjoying the story.
Don't forget to check out my TikTok: ineedtherapy_7

Have a nice day!

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