Chapter 80:

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Someone knocks on the door of my room.

'Come in,' I mutter rubbing my eyes.

'Time for breakfast,' Alora says.

'I'll be there in ten,' I reply.

I get up and walk into the linked bathroom to my room. I splash my face with cold water, and brush my teeth.

I put on a pair of sweatpants and a grey tank top. I grab a claw clip and clip my hair away from my face.

I look in the mirror.

I look a bit dead. I guess that nightmare took a lot out of me.

I pinch my cheeks to get some colour into them and go to breakfast.

I walk into the huge dining room and see that to the side there's a hug buffet and you can help yourself.

A buffet for nine people.


I grab a plate and put some scrambled eggs on it, some sausages and two pieces of toast.

I walk past Alessandro and see he's on FaceTime with Mimi.

Terzo's stuffing his face at the end of the buffet.

'That's like your fourth refill.' Xuan says.

'This shits free, I need to make the most of it.' He says through a mouthful of cereal.

'Good morning,' I say to Mimi, through Alessandro's phone .

'Morning Dilara,' she replies.

'Your friend here drowned me yesterday.' Alessandro snaps.

'In my defence you were holding me over a railing.' I reply. 'It was either you or me.'

'Pazza.' He mutters.

Translation: Crazy.

My heart stops for a second and the plate in my hands falls to the ground with a big crash.

'Calm down pazza.'

'My ragazza matta.'

Translation: Crazy girl.

'Dilara are you ok?' Xuan asks rushing to my side.

'I'll call you back,' Alessandro says ending the call on Mimi.

Zoya calls for a maid to help clean up the mess.

'I'm so sorry, it completely slipped my mind,' Alessandro apologises.

'What happened?' Alora asks.

'Only Adriano called her that,' Amira explains.

I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and snap out of whatever trance I was in.

'I'm sorry for the mess,' I say. 'I'm fine no need to worry.'

Honestly, I don't know why I froze up like that.

Xuan helps me sit at the table and a waitress comes over to me.

'Could I just have a bottle of tequila, please.' I say.

She nods and not more than five minutes later, appears with the bottle and a shot glass.

'Thank you,' I say. She nods and walks away.

'Don't drink on an empty stomach,' Lorenzo says pushing a plate with a croissant towards me.

I take a bite and have to force it down.

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