Chapter 68:

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It's been a week since we dug up Adriano's body. No one knows what happened that night except us and we want to keep it that way.

Nothings changed, I go to school and see the man in black, I go home and we go over the plan for Italy. I drink half a bottle of Tequila and fall asleep.

I wake up and the day repeats itself, over and over again.

Whenever I leave the house to get a drink or food the man is always there.

He's never approached me. He's just stared at me.

Zoya and Alora have noticed that I've been down so we've decided to have a girls day and go to the mall.
Then Zoya is going to meet Aiden for Dinner.

We invited Mimi but lately she's been vomiting a lot and hardly getting out of bed.

'You're not really going to go on that date with Aiden are you?' Terzo asks.

'I am,' Zoya says, applying some nude lipgloss. 'No body else has asked me out, so why not.'

Terzo glares at her and she smiles at him.

'Be safe,' Lorenzo says to us before we leave.

'We will,' I reply.

'Call us for anything, and I mean anything.' Alexandro adds.

'We can take care of ourselves,' Alora says before pushing us out of the house.

We get into her white Mercedes and drive to the mall.

We walk into this store and it has the cutest outfits. I pick out a tight skirt and a nice matching shirt, a cute emerald green dress and a nice pair of jeans.

'Those are so cute!' Alora exclaims.

'Try them on,' Zoya says.

'I'll be right back,' I say to them.

We make our way to the changing room and the woman gives me a room to change in.

I try on the skirt and shirt and look in the mirror. It frames my body perfectly.

I do a little twirl and change into the green dress.

It clings to my hips in a mesmerising way and brings out my eyes. I try on the jeans and then change into my original outfit.

I open the curtains.

Before I can scream a hand is pressed over my mouth and I'm pushed back into the room. I can't register the person in front of me and they close the curtain behind them.

The man in black.

He's standing in front of me, his face is so close to mine. His brown eyes stare into my soul.

I scream and his hand presses down on my mouth.

I push him off me and he stumbles out of the room I'm in.

He takes out a knife from his pocket and I cower in the corner.

All of my sense have left me defenceless.

I feel weak.

I slump down in the corner and he looks over me.

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