Chapter 9:

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'Que pendejo.' Mimi says.

Translation: What an asshole.

'Now you see why I was pissed.' I say drinking from my large sprite.

'Do you know why he did it?' She asks.

'No,' I reply. 'We just haven't gotten along since I started school.'

'He's hot though.' She says. I glare at her.

'To make matters worse his family just so happens to own the restaurant I work at.' I sigh.

'That's shit.' She says.

'There's nothing I can do, he gave me a hindered dollars as a tip so the pay is good.' I say.

'He must be fucking loaded.' She says.


'Get that dinero girl!' She says. 'And maybe you can get something else with it.' She winks at me. I roll my eyes at her.

'Never gonna happen.' I snap.

My phone starts ringing, I look down at it.


Oh shit I forgot to call her back.

'One sec I need to take this.' I tell Mimi. She nods. I walk out of the kitchen and to my bedroom.

'Hey girl.' I say.

'What happened to you!' She exclaims. 'We've all been texting and calling you.'

'I've been busy working.' I explain.

'Well what the hell happened after you left?' She asks.

'I just went home.' I say.

'I can't believe Adriano pushed you.' She says.

'I know, even Diana was mad at him.' I reply.

'Well I'll see you at school tomorrow ok?' She says.

'Yeah see you.' I reply. I end the call and fall backwards onto my bed.

'Yeah it was no big deal.' I say to Aiden as he walks with me to my locker.

The sight in front of me stops me in my tracks.

Adriano is there with his hand halfway up Diana's shirt. He's aggressively making out with her and pining her to my locker. His siblings are just standing there in shock.

What happened to her being mad at him?

'Que puta.' I breathe

Translation: What a bitch

'No fucking way.' Aiden says.

I walk toward my locker and pull Adriano off her. He turns around to me and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

His eyes travel up my caramel legs and linger where my pleated white skirt ends.

'Tu pendejo!' I yell. I hit him on his chest, making him look up at me. 'Why would you do that on my locker!'

Translation: You asshole

'I didn't realise it was yours.' He says shrugging his shoulders.

He knew damn well that was my locker. I push past him and Diana moves out of the way. I take my gym bag out of the locker and slam the door shut.

'Well I guess you can take her to your family event.' I snap. 'You no longer need me.'

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