Chapter 51:

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I put on an oversized hoodie and reach for the shorts on top of my drawer.

The water drips down my short hair and onto my neck.

I put my left leg through and then slowly put my right one in, trying not to stretch the stitches at the back of my knee.

I take a deep breath before standing up on my left leg, making sure not to put any pressure on my right one.

Who knew putting on shorts could be a tiring sport?

I finally get them up and slump back onto my wheelchair. I wheel myself to the door and open it up.

Alora is standing outside her arms on the banister on the stairs.

'You wanted for me,' I say.

'Of course,' she replies. She comes behind me and pushes me back to the elevator and we go to the cinema room.

She wheels me through the doors of the room and everyone is already there waiting for us.

'Damn what happened to your hair!' Matteo exclaims.

'Nice to see you too,' I reply.

Alora helps me to one of the chairs in the front row. There's about five rows and each chair has their own foot rest and foot holder with a blanket and pillow.

'Where's Jasmine?' I ask, as Alora helps me into my chair.

'Vittoria says she had to stay at training base,' Matteo replies. 'I think she's being heavily questioned.'

'I don't blame her,' Alessandro says shrugging. 'We did just meet the girl.'

Zoya nods in agreement.

'I got popcorn!' Amira exclaims coming in wheeling a tray stacked with snacks and drinks.

'There's Toffee, Salt and sugar popcorn,' she adds. 'We also have coke, Pepsi, sprite, Fanta and Dr Pepper.'

'I'd like a coke,' Alora says sitting in the row behind me.

'Pepsi for Mimi and I,' Alessandro says.

'Sprite, and I saved you a seat,' Lorenzo smiles.

'Terzo and I want a coke and Dr Pepper,' Zoya says. She gets up and helps Amira hand out the drinks to everyone.

'What would you like Dilara?' She asks.

'A Dr Pepper and sweet popcorn please,' I reply. She hands it to me and I get comfortable with my blanket and pillows.

'Everyone hurry up so we can put the movie on!' Xuan says.

'What are we watching?' I ask.

'Tomb Raider,' Matteo replies.

Finally, everyone settles down with their snacks and drinks and the lights turn off.

The light of the screen illuminates the room and the movie starts playing.

I look around at everyone.

Mimi is resting on Alessandro and they're sharing a blanket. Amira and Lorenzo share their popcorn. Alora sits next to Xuan, keeping her distance but he keeps on sneaking glances at her.

Zoya's head is resting on Terzo's lap and he's massaging her scalp. I can't help my heart hurting a bit.

I just know Adriano would be here if he could. My eyes start stinging. I'm not here to cry, I'm here to enjoy myself and relax.

I just can't help my mind drifting back to his last words to me.

"Even if it means I have to rip the world apart, brick by brick."

'Brick by Brick,' I mutter under my breath.

I stretch and look around the room. It's dark, the movies off and everyone's gone.

I realise that I must've slept through the film. I look to my left and see Mimi asleep and Alessandro is awake, and cradling her.

'I didn't want to wake her up,' he says sheepishly.

'What time is it?' I ask yawning.

'Probably 10 or 11 pm,' he shrugs.

'I should probably head back to the hospital before Will murders me.' I say.

I look at my wheelchair next to me.

'Let me help you,' he says quickly.

'No, Mimi will wake up.' I say.

'Don't worry about her,' he replies.

He holds her head and replaces his chest with a pillow. Mimi stirs in her sleep but doesn't wake up.

Alessandro walks over to me and Stables my wheelchair. He helps me onto it and wheels me out of the room.

'I promise I'll be fine,' I say. 'Get back to Mimi, she's a really light sleeper.'

'Let me check if anyone is still awake,' he says.

He runs down the corridor and disappears. Not long later he comes back follower by, Xuan.

'Get well soon Dilara,' Alessandro says before going back into the cinema room.

Xuan comes behind me and start wheeling me towards the hospital.

It's silent for a couple of moments before he speaks.

'How are you holding up?' He asks, clearing his throat.

'I'm fine,' I reply. 'What about you?'

'Never liked the asshole in the first place.' Xuan replies. 'It won't affect me whether he's alive or not.'

'Wow so comforting.' I snap.

'Whatever, this is depressing,' he sighs.

We turn a corner and he keeps on wheeling me.

'What where you doing up?' I ask.

'Smoking,' he replies. 'Alessandro interrupted me.'

'You know it wouldn't kill you to do something selfless once in a while.' I say.

'I'm not fond of helping rude people,' he retorts. 'Especially idiotic, brunette girls who try to slice off my hand after I compliment them.'

'I'm not an idiot.' I snarl. 'And you only complemented me to get on Adriano's nerves.'

'You don't know that,' We turn another corner and see a huge door at the end of the hallway.

'Whatever.' I reply. 'What's up with you and Alora?'

'Nothing, I don't want to talk about it.' He snaps.

'Doesn't seem like nothing,' I reply innocently.

'I said I don't want to talk about it.' He snaps.

'Ok, ok got it.' I laugh.

We enter the hospital and two nurses rush to me. Xuan helps them get me into bed and put the IV drip back in me.

'We'll sign you in so Dr Will knows you're here.' One nurse says.

'Thank you,' I reply.

Xuan turns to leave but stops abruptly. He turns to me.

'He's going to be ok,' he says.


'Adriano....He's going to be ok,' he repeats.

Xuan turns around walks out of the room. The lights turn off, allowing my thoughts to consume me.

Don't we love a little bit of angst???
You guys are probably so mad at me because I'm not giving away if Adriano is ok or not. I hope you're enjoying the book!
Have a nice day!

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