Chapter 98:

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'Apparently there's no way I can leave Adriano's mafia,' I say to Dominico. 'Without dying that is.'

We're in his office and he's smoking. He told Christianto to leave and give us space.

'There is one way.' He says, letting out a cloud of smoke. 'And that's by another mafia taking you in.'

'How do I do that?' I ask.

'You need to tell them and try to survive by yourself until the other mafia takes you in.' He explains. 'Sometimes it takes months and people end up dying.'

My blood runs cold.

'I'm thinking about it.' I reply.

'That's good, I'll be here whenever your ready,' he says.

'I have another question.' I say.

He makes a movement with his hand as if telling me to go on.

'Who's Fouzia and how come she suddenly showed up?' I ask.

'And why would you think I'd know?' He laughs.

'Like you said, you have eyes everywhere.' I narrow my eyes.

'You're a smart girl.' He puts down his cigarette and leans back on his chair. He wipes his tanned oily forehead.

I smile stiffly.

'That Fouzia girl is from my mafia.' He says carelessly.

My heart drops.

'What?' I ask.

'Vittoria came to me, and asked for a girl and I gave her one.' He smirks. 'It's not my fault if she's taking him away from you.'


'Vittoria'a been here before?' I ask.

'Yes, she was here with Adriano.' He replies.

'Fouzia's not the reason he's been acting weird.' I say through gritted teeth. 'Like you said Adriano's not to be trusted.'

Adriano definitely knows that Fouzia came from Dominico.

After all he does trust her more than me.

He places the cigarette in his mouth, and Christianto bursts into the room.

'Sir we need you now,' he says.

'Are you sure?' Dominico asks.

'Yeah, it's important.' He replies.

'Stay here, I'll be right back.' He says.

I nod as he walks out of the room with Christianto. As soon as the door closes behind them I jump up and start looking around.

Something's going on here and I need to know what.

I walk around the big desk and there's documents scattered everywhere and cigarette ashes.

I open his drawers and look through them.

All I find are pieces of documents. Nothing important, just deals between associates.

I start searching the bookcase and don't have any luck until I find a box behind a couple books.

I take out the books and open the box.

A silver gun is inside, accompanied with a matching knife.

I take them out and put them on the desk. I sit down on Dominicos chair and look through it.

I find some burnt pictures and ignore them until one catches my eyes.

I've seen that before.

But where?

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