Chapter 54:

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'So you went absolutely insane on her?!' Lorenzo exclaims, intrigued with what happened when Xuan and I were outside.

'You're a badass,' Terzo adds.

'I wouldn't say insane,' I reply. 'She was just pissing me off and I dealt with it in a mature manner.'

'Yeah, real mature of you,' Alessandro laughs.

'You should've seen how this girl can fight,' Xuan says. 'Even with her injured leg.'

'That's my Dilara.' Mimi says. 'She's been able to fight since she could walk. 

'I'm back and I have a surprise!' Amira exclaims.

'Hey Amira.' Everyone says.

She walks into the living room holding a golden retriever puppy.

'Awww,' I say. 'Where did you find it?'

'I found him at a kennel when I was on patrol.' She says. 'He needed a new home so I thought I'd get him.'

'He's adorable.' Lorenzo says.

Amira passes him to me.

'I brought him for you,' she says. 'You've been down lately so I thought this would make you happier.'

I give her a big smile.

'Thank you so much.' I say.

'He's licked me so I have to go shower and change my clothes before I can pray.' Amira explains.

'We'll see you later,' Terzo says

Amira leaves, waving at us as she goes.

'What are you gonna name him?' Mimi asks.

'Dynamite.' I say.

'Dynamite?' Alessandro asks, looking confused.

'Yeah, he looks cuddly, cute and soft,' I explain. 'So why not give him a name that's the opposite.' I shrug.

'It does have a nice ring to it.' Xuan says. Lorenzo nods in reply.

'I'll go get him some things tomorrow.' I say.

I pass him to Xuan who stands there stunned, not knowing what to do.

I open the cabinet and take out a bottle of red wine. I open it up and drink it from the bottle.

'Don't drink too much,' Zoya says walking in.

'I really need this,' I say, taking another drink. 'I'll be upstairs if anyone needs me.'

I take Dynamite from Xuan and make my way to my room.

I get to my room and slump down on my bed. Dynamite pads himself to the pillow next to me and slumps down.

I take some more drinks and scroll on my phone. Soon, my eyes start feeling heavy and I put the red wine on my bedside table.

I snuggle up to Dynamite and fall asleep.


I wake up to Dynamite licking my face.

'Ew, stop,' I mumble, softly pushing him away.

He barks twice, and I sigh. I get up and stretch.

I walk to my bathroom and wash my face so I can freshen up.

I grab the wine on my bedside table and make my way downstairs, drinking from it.

I walk into the living room and everyone's sitting there. They all stare at me as I walk in.

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