Chapter 87:

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Xuan, Adriano and I drove to the safe house in a separate car to everyone else.

We see that everyone's already inside and the bodyguards let us in.

We rush to the living room and everyone's sitting there, discussing.

Everyone turns to us and the jaws drop.

'Surprise, I'm back from the dead,' Adriano smirks.

'You're supposed to be dead,' Terzo says, standing up.

'Yeah, well it didn't stick.' Adriano replies.

Terzo comes and hugs Adriano tightly, patting his back.

'It's good to have you back,' Alessandro says, walking up to him.

'I can speak for everyone when I say that we've missed you.' Alora says.

'How the fuck are you alive?' Lorenzo asks, laughing in disbelief.

'I'm still processing it,' I say.

'Adriano you are an asshole,' Amira says. 'We were so stressed out.'

'How about we all get some rest and then Adriano can explain it to us later,' Vittoria said.

Adriano and Vittoria give each other a look.

We all nod and make our way upstairs.

Xuan leads me to my room.

'Just shout me if you need anything,' he says.

'Thank you,' I reply.

I take off my now ruined dress, all of Maurice's hard work gone to waste.

I fill up the bathtub with warm water and as I wait, I start taking off my jewellery and makeup.

I decide to relax in the bath for a while.

He's back. Adriano's back.

I smile to myself.

But one things keeps on creeping back into my mind.

'Never trust a survivor until you know what they did to stay alive.'
- D.D

I look through the wardrobe and find a nice pair of silk pyjamas.

I put them on and notice that Adriano still hasn't come up yet.

I get let my hair hand loose and I get into bed.

I'm exhausted and I feel myself dosing off when the bed sinks behind me and two warm hands wrap around my waist.

'Hey pazza,' he mumbles, putting his face in my neck.

'Hey pendejo,' I reply, turning around to face him.

He chuckles lightly.

I wrap my arms around him and lean my head on his chest, I can hear his heart beating.

'I still can't believe that you're here,' I mumble.

'I told you, brick by brick.' He replies.

He softly rubs my back.

'What did you do to your hair?' He asks.

'It got a little messed up when I was fighting for my life.' I reply. 'I actually like it short like this.'

'So do I,' he replies.

Adriano puts his chin on my head, and kisses my forehead.

'Adriano...' I mumble.

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