III. CatCalls are for Cowards

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Chapter 3, CatCalls are for Cowards

" You stand up for girls to get in their pants, I stand up for girls to gain respect from disgusting men like you. "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

After Garrett and I's hang out, we raced each other home.
I fell a couple of times, gaining laughs from him but it always made me smile, I mean who doesn't laugh at their siblings and/or themselves when they or you fall?

After a moment, Garrett was far ahead so I decided I'd just walk it and let him bask in his glory once I got there.
I made sure my phone was on and had it's ringer before continuing my walk home, I really wished that we chose to drive.
My legs were screaming for a break so I've decided to walk until I found a bus bench.

I noticed a girl around my age or maybe older, she's definitely pretty.
I was going to say hi when an older guy approach her, I was a bit suspicious but I couldn't judge.

After a moment or two I noticed she was getting uncomfortable, that's when I decided I had to make a move before she was kidnapped in front of me.
I put my hair up quickly into a high ponytail and made my way over to her.

"Oh wow, Mila, is that you!?"

I smiled wide and began to pretend I knew her, it was girl code anyways, you see a girl in danger, you help them out.
She looked over at me and got the hint, she hugged me tightly and returned the smile.

"What a coincidence Charlie! I was on my way to see you."

She made up another lie which made me smile, the guy looked at us as if we had four heads.
He wasn't trying to go away, that's when another man stepped in.

"Maybe leave these two young girls alone? They're trying to enjoy their day."

The creep left, but gave us a menacing glare before he began to run off.
We smiled graciously at the man, happy to know he helped us.

"Thank you so much, he didn't seem to get the hint."

I smiled and told the man who had helped us out, but he didn't seem to walk away either.
Instead he sat beside us and tried to make conversation, which was quite uncomfortable.

"I just think young girls shouldn't travel alone, maybe I can take you to my house and contact your parents there?"

I looked at the girl who I had named Mila and then looked back at the man, is he for real?

Now I know this old soggy sock isn't trying us right now.
Oh my god he is!

"We're good, we live close by. We were just going for a walk."

'Mila' answered but he wouldn't budge, he just stood there like a creep.
It was starting to bother me, I made sure my pepper spray is still intact with my wallet before engaging in the conversation.

"Can you just please leave us alone?"

I asked but it came out as a soft whisper, I was trying to sound demanding but I couldn't do it.
I was a little frightened, anyone would be.

"I stood up for you girls, only for you to be so, so-"

"So what? We are only minors."

Mila interrupted him, I didn't want him to continue but of course men can't take no for an answer, can they?

"You stand up for girls to get in their pants, I stand up for girls to gain respect from disgusting men like you."

After that sentence I grabbed Mila's hand and ran off, he was screaming some disgusting names but I could care less.
I didn't stop running with her until we got to the front of my house, no doubt my family's worried sick but they'll understand.

"Thank you so much for sticking by my side."

I hugged Mila once more and unlocked the door to an anxious, worried mother and a worried, angry brother.
I was in for hell, but their expressions softened when they saw me.

"Natalie James Arthur, you gave me several panic attacks. I thought you were hurt or, or in danger!"

I hugged my mom tightly and felt her arms wrap around my shoulders, it felt good to be back into the safety arms of my mother.
She pulled away and looked at the girl behind me with a confused expression, she looked back at me.

My eyes widened at what I had realized, she thought I was with her, like with her, with her.

"No mom, Jesus, no."

She laughed and put her hand out for Mila to shake it.

"I'm Juniper Arthur, the mother of Natalie James."

"Jayla Walton, your daughter helped me. There were these weird guys and she totally saved me."

My jaw dropped, I didn't know what to expect.
I gave a girl a fake name and expected her to say it was her real name, but I mean it's good to know anyways.

𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐌𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz