XXI. Baby Shopping

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Chapter 21, Baby Shopping

"I could help you, if you'd like? "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

It wasn't late at night, in fact it was unbelievably 5:36 PM.
Javon, Garrett and I were at different stores buying baby clothes, baby food, baby proofing things and everything baby.

I guess we were buying so many things that there were people staring at us, but I could care less.
I could've cared less when I heard a lady start talking bad about me, now that's just disrespectful.

"You're too young to be buying this, do you understand?"

A lady walked up to me with her husband by her side, I looked my brother and Javon confused.
Like who is this white chick talking to like that?

"I beg your pardon?"

I tried being polite, although it was irritating.
I hate when people assume things about me, it felt like you're trying to force me to be at the standards that you put.

"I think it's best your give it up for adoption or, or abort it."

That was the last straw, they could've asked politely if I was expecting and I would have answered kindly but they had to be quite nosey.
I know some may think they're looking out for me but I don't like how they just expected me to be pregnant.

"Ma'am I can assure you-"

I didn't even get a chance to explain my case in a kind way when she stuck her finger up and interrupted me.

"You may think you're doing good but you're not, how will the Lord think of you? If you were my child, you would be on your way to church summer camp and the baby will be placed in adoption."

I have no idea what came over me but the next thing I knew, I let go of the cart and walked up to the lady angrily.

"Listen here lady, I'm buying stuff for my hard working Mother whose expecting a baby.
Quite frankly you shouldn't have overstepped, I understand teen pregnancy is a problem but you have no right to talk to me the way you did.
I'm surprised how you're even able to breathe since your nose is stuck in my business."

I took a deep breath and stepped away from her, her jaw was dropped as I grabbed the cart.
Javon and Garrett looked so surprised, but they also looked like they were trying hard not to laugh in case the lady started coming for them too.

"Now I bid you a good day."

With that being said, I walked off and onto the toy section.
I wanted to spoil my little brother, he was going to have a terrific life.

"You straight up annihilated that woman."

Javon said as Garrett bursted out laughing, I couldn't help but laugh too.
The situation was hilarious and should've been handled more maturely but I can't stand there and let a woman disrespect and assume me.

Before I got a chance to respond, my phone began to ring.

Mommy ❤️ is calling

Accept Or Decline

"Hello mother, how may I help you?"

She was silent for a moment, I was getting worried.
I hoped she was able to get the baby, I was looking forward for having a little brother.

Daelo is so fun and creative which made me wish I had a little brother to be around.

"I was able to get the baby boy!"

I screamed and jumped up and down, I told Garrett and Javon and soon enough they cheered loudly.
People were staring at us so I decided to share the news with them as well.


I shouted, after a moment of silence cheers erupted and congratulations.
My mom laughed as she heard the sounds in the background, I loved her laugh.

"But, but."

My mom cut me off, I was confused.

"I was told to clean him but after I did, I had to leave due to the mother denying him and I missed the second birth of his twin sister!"

My mouth was scraping floor, I was in shock.
Was she trying to tell me that she adopted the baby girl too?

"Mom, tell me you did."

I said, I mouthed everything to Garrett and Javon and soon they were anxious to know.

"I... DID!"

I screamed even louder and jumped up and down, I started crying tears of joy.
Garrett and Javon hugged me, Garrett was crying too.

"Okay, did you tell Dani and Ainsley?"

I asked impatiently as I began to go back to the clothes section to buy girl clothes as well.
I was grabbing everything in sight that I thought would look cute on her.

"Yeah, the room is big enough for the both of them, they came back early with everything are setting up."

My mom said, I was excited and could barely comprehend what I was doing.
I said my goodbyes and hung up.

After literal four hours, I spent almost two thousand dollars worth of baby things.
I carried everything to the car with the help of the boys and soon drove home.

We got home and got to work fast, with everyone running around and thanks to Javon calling his family to helps us out, we got everything finished by nearly twelve AM.
Everyone was way too excited to fall asleep, the Waltons went home and I laid in bed thinking about it all.

"Hey Bald Eagle."

I greeted Javon on the phone, he scoffed and I could tell he flipped me off.

"I'll grow hair."

"Sure you will Calliou."

I teased as I heard scoff once more.

"Anyways, what are you doing?"

He asked politely, clearly tired of me already but I didn't care.
It was my job as his best friend to bully him at all times.

"Well, everyone chose me to choose the names of the babies and I'm trying to figure out which is good."

I answered as I crossed off Andrew, Damen, Roy, Troy, Nate, Jacob, Lauren, Sasha, Beatrice, Barbara, Bonnie, Elena and Maurice.

" I could help you, if you'd like? "

He asked happily, this made my night because I needed some help.

"Yes please."

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