Always and Forever

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"You should at least think about taking me out don't you think?" Jimin was angry and now he was over Yoongi's neck form last half hour.

"I still don't know why do you want to go on a date suddenly?" Yoongi huffed sitting on the couch.

"Because we are boyfriends and we should." Jimin folded his hands over his chest and looked at his boyfriend like he just said very logical and right thing.

"It still doesn't connect. Being a boyfriend doesn't mean you should always go out. Love isn't about going out and hanging around. It's a feeling not a trophy that should be shown to the world. Your heart has to feel it." Yoongi said it calmly. To be honest Jimin felt he might cry over the words.

Yoongi has always been deep and impressive with words. His love isn't materialistic. Instead of gifts he shows it with his actions. He stays close and connected to Jimin even when he is not around. That what love is, you feel safe even when that certain someone is not around you.

"You are so cute." Jimin hugged him. Yoongi gets irritated by hugs and there is only one person whom he allows that and that is Jimin.

"And you are very clingy." He pushed him.

"And you love it." Jimin replied sitting beside him and placing his head over his shoulder.

"Please guys find yourself a room. It's so awkward to watch everyone just eating each other and making love." Maria's irritated voice pulled them out of their trance.

"We ain't doing both of it." Jimin replied sassily.

"It's still gross." She said sitting on the couch.

"Find yourself one Maria, then you won't feel it gross." Jimin winked earning a cushion on his face.

"You better watch this bratty mouth of yours." She said rolling his eyes.

"Aww Maria you are jealous." Jimin teased him more. Yoongi saw how frequently Maris's expression were changing.

"Uhmmm Jimin, I think you should shut up." Yoongi warned but Jimin was so out of his self to listen.

"Or what huh? What will she do? What can she do?" Jimin mocked but soon regrated when he felt a very strong fist colliding with his face.

"Ouch." He yelled holding his jaw.

"This is what I can do." She stomped her feet and left the place.

"She has a very heavy hand." Jimin cried. His jaw soon turning the shade of blue and red.

"That's why you should shut up."  Yoongi said looking at his face to see it very serious hit.

"Leave me." Jimin jerked his hand away from his face and turned around walking to the kitchen to get ice bag. Yoongi followed him.

"Please enough. I'm not a baby I know how much I can eat. I'll get a stomach ache if I ate more." Hobi protested but Jackson still was holding a spoon near his mouth. Soon they booth heard a gasp and turned.

"So, you are reason that I got the punch." Jimin walked in furious.

"What?" Jackson asked confused.

"Maria hit him, right over the jaw."  Yoongi cleared the situation.

"What why?" Danial asked.

"Because you guys were being Romeo and Juliet." Jimin said angrily.

"God Jimin you and Yoongi are always like this, stop over reacting now, tell me what did she hit you? And she can hit I didn't even know that." Jackson was amused by the bruise that was forming over Jimin's white skin.

"Well, me neither but now I know." He cried out again touching his jaw. "Bring me the ice bag."

"Wait, sit down ill bring it for you." Hobi said hurriedly walking back to the fridge to get it out. They stayed there for some time; Jimin was feeling a little okay now.

"Jimin" Yoongi called him.

"Yes" he turned.

"Get ready." He spoke.

"Why?" Jimin asked.

"We are going on a date." Yoongi smiled when he saw Jimin's sparkling eyes.

"REALLY?" He asked Yoongi nodded.
"I'll just go and be right back." Jimin ran up to his room to get ready. "Still a baby." Yoongi murmured and walked away.

"May I come in?" Maria knocked the door.

"Please don't bother to ask. Come in" Nana said. She was getting found of the lady. She was young and polite. Nana love her even more knowing that she was there for Taehyung all along.

"Tae came back?" Nana asked.

"Not yet." She replied sitting beside her. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. My hairs don't feel okay. They are getting rough." Nana said as she was combing her hairs.

"Should I oil them? It will feel good to you and your hairs both." Maria offered.
"Will it hurt?" Nana asked.

"No. Have you never oiled them?"  She inquired. Nana shook her head. "You'll lose it. Just stay still." Maris stood up and gave her a massage.

While doing a massage they talked, got to know each other. Maria was sure that these siblings are angels, like how can someone be so pure in this corrupted world. She also doubted how can they be Min-ho's children?

"My mom must have been a very good person. Dad used to say that she was the only one in his life who understood and showed him the right path. Getting separated from her must have taken him to the edge." Nana said looking herself into the mirror.

"Still, what he did was wrong." Maria argued.
"It indeed was." Nana chuckled. "He used to say Taehyung look more like Mom.  He said he can see her in Taehyung."

"Nana, my baby don't think about him. Everything is okay. Life changed."

"Pat still remains with you." Nana interrupted her.

"You can forget it by focusing on present." Maria replied.

"Can you?" Nana said again.

"You can. Find yourself someone who can love you and I promise you will soon forget everything." Maria kissed her on temple. "Done. You can shower after an hour and then you'll see how good it feels."

Nana smiled at her just like his brother having a very contagions boxy smile. "Thank you." She replied.

"Rest now. My shift is over I'll be going now." Maria said helping her to the bed.

"When is Tae coming back?"  Nana asked.

"He will soon be here. You want me to call him?" Maria asked.

"Where is he anyway?" Nana raised a question.

"He went out with Jungkook. Both haven't come back yet." She told her.

"I'm happy he found someone."

"I'm happy too." Maria said and kissed her again before leaving her room.
Jungkook was having Taehyung in his arms. They spend a whole day outside. He took Taehyung to amusement park as it was Taehyung's wish to go there. Today Jungkook saw another side of Taehyung, a completely different side. He saw a carefree Taehyung, Taehyung who laugh like a baby while playing with toys.


His love and the reason his heart beats now. After such adventures and exciting day, Taehyung placed his head on Jungkook's lap and slept there. He's been sleeping on his lap sine last half hour. Jungkook don't have the courage to wake him up. He looks so calm and angelic while sleeping.

Jungkook couldn't thank God enough for letting Taehyung in his life. He felt like Taehyung has always been his Life, His reason to live.

"I love you" He kissed on his cheek. "Thank you for accepting me" Another kiss on his forehead. "I don't know what is it but it feels so good." He kissed him again.

"Stop." Taehyung whimpered while rolling his head over to the other side.

"Wake up. We need to go home." Jungkook said and it took good 5 minutes to Taehyung to wake up.

"I never slept this peaceful. Your scent calms me down." Taehyung said and sat straight.

"And watching you sleep like that calms me down." Jungkook never fails to make Taehyung's heart beast fact. His words are just so perfect and wild.

"We should go" Taehyung stood up hurriedly hiding his blushing face, making Jungkook chuckle at him. They reached home quickly. Jungkook didn't waisted even a second and gathered everyone in the hall.

"What is it?"  Hobi asked.

"Where is Jimin?" He asked confused.

"Here." He turned around to see Jimin and Yoongi coming inside.

"Where were you?"  He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yoongi took me out on a date." That was more of a mocking than a statement.

"Oh, so you finally went on a date." Jungkook teased him more.

"Shut up idiot." He said and stood beside Taehyung who was happy. He looks satisfied.

"We are getting married tomorrow."  Jungkook announced out of blue.


"What did you say?"

"Excuse me?"

Everyone said in a shock.

"I'm so happy for both of you." Jin said giving both of them a hug.

"Thank you."  Taehyung replied.

"Oh My God finally you guys are taking a step forward. Took you guys long enough."  Nana came forward and Taehyung at beside her wheelchair. She hugged him. "I'm so happy Tae."

"Me too." He hugged her back.

The night was young at the mansion. Everyone was laughing and getting things ready for the wedding. The morning came back sooner than anyone thought. Everyone just kept smiling and playing around.

Taehyung was taken by Jimin and Nana whereas Jungkook was taken by Yoongi and Jackson to get them ready. Soon they walked down the aisle t the weeding hall. Both grooms looked at each other and they couldn't help but smile. It was long road but they are together. It actually took them so long to realize their feelings.

The vows were exchanged and soon they kissed, accepting each other fully and being with each other for life. Each other's better halves.

"Happy Wedding Guys. Cheerssssss." Jimin shouted and clicked a happy family picture.

Hello Army 💜💜

I hope you like this chapter. Do tell me how was it.

I purple you 💜💜

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