act two

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"We can't keep this up and hope to survive."

—Marcus Kane

—Marcus Kane

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( translates from trigedasleng to deadly )

( season two )


the brother! ( ORAN KOM TRIKRU )

played by daniel kaluuya

He always felt an obligation to make every day of her life one to remember. When their mother didn't allow her a treat before dinner, Oran would make sure to sneak her two. When her father refused to let her practice with a weapon, he carved her a bow himself.

the father! ( CARR KOM TRIKRU )

played by wesley snipes

The woman in front of him was not his daughter. No, his daughter died when she was nine years old, along with his wife. The woman speaking to him then was an imposter.

the old friend! ( COSTIA KOM TRIKRU )

played by sarah gadon

She would forever remember her as the first person to show her kindness after she was named Fragheda. Costia was the reason Astoria was alive - the reason she survived those first few years of being alone, and she would never be able to repay her. 

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