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"We don't talk enough; we should open up before it's all too much

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"We don't talk enough; we should open up before it's all too much. Will we ever learn? We've been here before; it's just what we know."

—Harry Styles

Day 107

Bellamy could feel Astoria growing more distant, and he was doing his best to convince himself he was overthinking it. She didn't spend the night in his room because she had to wake up early the next morning for a hunt, not because she didn't want to see his face first thing. She made sure to eat dinner an hour earlier than they normally did because she needed to help Raven with something in Engineering, not because she knew he would sit next to her in the mess hall. She took more responsibilities around Arkadia because she was kind, and wanted to prove her worth, not because she needed excuses to ignore him.

It had only been a few days since her exterior turned slightly colder, and Bellamy hadn't seen her at all the day before. When he tried to catch her in her room that morning, she was already gone, and at lunch she never showed up to eat. He was so desperate he was moving through the Ark to find Raven, because he had somehow convinced Kane to give him the afternoon off from his guard duties.

"How you seen her?" Bellamy asked as he moved through Engineering, stopping at Raven's desk and folding his arms over his chest. She looked up to him, and when she saw how worried he looked she sighed. She had been trying to tell Astoria that simply ignoring Bellamy was only going to make things worse, but rarely did the grounder accept her advice.

"She was gone before I was in the morning," Raven told him, which was a surprise to her when she found the girls bed empty. Astoria was still sleeping hours after Raven was awake, and with her newest symptom Raven figured she'd be resting more. "My best guess would be on top of the Ark, or hiding in the rover."

Bellamy scrunched his face, because he hadn't heard of that hiding spot yet. With a huff he moved to leave, but Raven bit her lip and stood up.

"When you find her just..." she trailed off, trying to keep her words vague as Bellamy turned to her. He raised his eyebrows, and she took a deep breath. She couldn't tell him, Astoria had to do that, but she knew if she didn't plant a seed that something was wrong he'd never find out. Astoria was letting it eat her up from the inside, and Raven wasn't sure she could stand it for much longer. "Just try and get her to talk, alright? She has a lot on her mind."

He nodded his head after a moment, and then he left to find the grounder. Sure enough, when he got to the garage and walked up to the rover, Astoria was curled up in the front seat with a book in her lap. She was half way through Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, and she hadn't been able to put it down all day. Bellamy couldn't stop himself from smiling when he spotted her lips moving slightly as she read, and she jumped in her spot when he leaned his arms on the open window.

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