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"You are like a chestnut burr, prickly outside, but silky-soft within, and a sweet kernel, if one can only get at it

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"You are like a chestnut burr, prickly outside, but silky-soft within, and a sweet kernel, if one can only get at it. Love will make you show your heart some day, and then the rough burr will fall off."

―Louisa May Alcott

Day 119

Bellamy may not have known what was bothering Astoria, but he still wanted to do everything he could to take her mind off it. Getting pissed drunk was the best way he knew to do that, and if anyone knew how to get pissed drunk at Arkadia, it was Jasper Jordan. He was skeptical on telling Bellamy where he got the actual good stuff (compared to the lake-water made ale that was available to anyone over the age of eighteen) but once Bellamy promised that Astoria would find him some jobi nuts (which were the easiest way to find a high on Earth, Jasper had discovered) he caved.

It wasn't difficult to swipe a bottle of Tequila off the truck as others unloaded supplies from Mount Weather, and when Gina caught him, he gave her a pout and she rolled her eyes while taking it off the inventory - one of the positives of having a friend that was in charge of keeping track of everything that came in from the mountain.

When he found Astoria she was sat atop the Ark as she usually was, reading the astronomy book Kane had given her. She smiled when he sat down beside her, and raised an eyebrow when he held up the bottle of translucent liquid.

"Gift from Gina," he had said, unscrewing the lid and holding it out for Astoria to take.

Abby had told her to limit her consumption of alcohol, because they had no record of how it would effect her illness, but Astoria didn't think that was a very practical thing of the doctor to ask of her. She was dying anyway, why couldn't she at least have some fun?

So she took the bottle from Bellamy's hands and brought it up to her lips, taking a large sip and quickly leaning over to cough it up.

"A bit stronger than Monty's unity juice, huh?" Bellamy spoke through a laugh, patting Astoria on her back as tears stung her eyes.

She shook her head as she tried to calm herself down, the sting lessoning over time. "How drunk are you trying to get me?" she joked, but after a deep breath she took a much smaller sip. She had to scrunch her face up as it went down her throat, and Bellamy smiled at the sight.

It didn't take them long before two-thirds of the bottle was empty, and where Bellamy was a loud drunk, Astoria was a giggly one. When the man stood up and screamed "Whooo!" into the woods behind them she had shushed him quickly through her laugher, but Bellamy only turned to give her the biggest smile she had ever seen. Getting down from atop the Ark was difficult, and Astoria nearly slipped three times (which made Bellamy boast about how finally he was the better climber).

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