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"Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change

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"Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change."

―Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

When Abby and the other sky people left for Camp Jaha, Oran had reluctantly went with them. A few of their people gave him strange looks as he did; ones of confusion, a few of disgust, but most weren't too surprised. His sister was a traitor, why wouldn't he be as well?

She knew her brother was safe with Abby—she wouldn't let anyone hurt him—but she still couldn't think of anything else but the sight of his bloodied arm. He would never be the same without it; strength was something Oran cherished, especially because of how Carr abused him for so many years. Astoria knew he'd be able to learn to live comfortably, and he'd be able to weird a sword with his left hand with practice, but she wasn't sure that he did.

She toyed with the walkie-talkie in her hand before bringing it up to rest on her chin. She didn't know what to say to make it better. Her legs dangled off either side of the thick branch she was sat on, and she had climbed much higher than she normally would. It had been so long since she found peace within the trees, and she hadn't realised she missed it so much. She'd have to make sure to dedicate one night a week to the woods when she returned to Camp Jaha.

"Strisis?" her brother's voice came through the radio, and she sighed in relief.

She waited a few seconds, and then pressed the button to speak. "Oran," she greeted, not caring that she was smiling so wide because no one was there to see her. "How's Camp Jaha? How do you feel? Have any sky people given you a hard time?" she asked all three questioned right after each other, and she knew that Oran had sighed on the other line.

"They have me set up in your room to free up space in the fisop wogeda," he merged the two languages, and Astoria smiled. "You're friend hasn't been by yet, I don't think she's sleeping much," at that, Astoria frowned. Raven must've been putting all her attention on disabling the acid fog, and she wasn't giving herself no time to rest. "I haven't seen anyone but Abby, really."

He was dodging one of her questions, and she could tell right away. "How are you feeling?" she tried once more, and she heard him sigh before he could take his finger off the button.

"They had to sew up my arm; said it would help it heal properly," she could hear his frown, but it was good news. There were no complications. "How are things there?"

"We're waiting on Bellamy to disable the acid fog," she explained, finding that her heart twisted slightly at his name. "I'll be back in no time, don't worry," she tried to lighten the conversation, because she was tired of discussing war tactics. "Then I'll be there to wait on you hand and foot."

Oran laughed, "Yeah, that's likely." They both paused for a moment, until finally the man's voice returned much more seriously to the air. "Nomi would be proud of you," he told her, and Astoria leant her head against the bark. "I wish she couldn't been there to see you hit Carr, neither of us were ever brave enough to do it ourselves."

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