madam wang

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tashika was about to leave, when he saw madam wang coming.
tashika stop and bowed towards madam wang.
madam sheng looked like she is in her twenties. but she is already 90 years old.

"little tashi came to visit" said madam wang as she reach out and patted his head.

"mama wang" tashika called out to madam wang. madam wang is the mother of wang sheng. he met madam wang when he was 8 months old.

at that time hashika got sick. madam wang was the one who came to the city and heard that he was sick.

she is a doctor who specialised in treating mortals, because her husband was also a mortal but died from a cultivators attack.
so she doesn't treat cultivators well. but it was differnt with me, because she loves children, she dicided to make an exception.

wang sheng andd yi yi saw that madam sheng came and both of them smiled at her. "mama, looked at what little tashi brought us" yi yi took out the pill bottle and showed madam sheng as if it is a treasure.

"what is this?" madam sheng asked curiously.

"mother, it looks like you will have a grandson in the future".
when madam sheng heard that, she was shock. and then she was escentric.
even though madam sheng accepted that her son is a cut sleeve, and that she wont have a grandson in the future. but when she heard that she was going to have grandchildren she was still happy.

"little tashi is still a little genius after all". madam sheng nelt down and huged tashika  with joy.

seeing her like this, tashika didn't say anything.

to be honest, madam sheng is like a mother to him, she treated him well and visited sometimes. tashika saw madam sheng so many time that he didn't even know when he stated calling her mama wang,' instead of miss wang.