Chapter 29

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Nicole felt like the air had been knocked out of her. In front of her stood no other than Santiago Martinez, and she was shocked. This whole time, they had thought it was his son, Dominic's doing. But no, here the man was himself. Aldrich's eyes hardened as he looked at him. "You're the one orchestrating this?"

Santiago's smile never left his face. "Yes, I am."

"But, we thought Dominic-" Nicole went to say, but she was interrupted.

"Oh, my son has helped. But no, he isn't behind it all. He's here Nicole, if you would like to see him?"

Nicole kept her gaze on him as a man came to stand next to Santiago. Slowly, her eyes met his. He had grown up into quite an attractive man, his dark hair just as curly as she remembered it. "Why? We always treated you fair. Why would you do this?" she asked him.

Dominic smirked at her, his white teeth glistening in the sun. "Treated me fair?" His smile disappeared, and was replaced by a scowl. "You never even noticed me. Not once. You were too busy whoring with the boys you call your beta and gamma."

Aldrich growled warningly at him, stepping slightly in front of her. "Watch yourself, Pup."

Dominic growled back at Aldrich, taking a step in his direction. Santiago stopped him, giving him a disapproving look. "Now, Nico, stand down. We're guests here, right, Aldrich?" he said, turning to look at Aldrich.

Aldrich's eyes never left Dominic's. "What do you want?"

"What's rightfully ours." replied Santiago.

"You hold no claim to anything." called Josh, regardless of the dagger being pushed into his skin, drawing a little blood. "Your father made sure of that."

Santiago tensed slightly at his words, but remained calm as his eyes remained on Aldrich. "This is what is going to happen, Alpha. We are going to take your mate as collateral, and you have 3 days to decide what you want to do. You either give us our pack back, or she, along with everyone else you care about, dies."

Aldrich growled, his hold tightening on Nicole. "It isn't mine to give."

Santiago laughed, stepping closer to Aldrich. "But it is. You two have mated, right? So, by law, she holds no claim to Silent Ash. You do."

"I don't give a shit what the law says. It's not mine to give."

Santiago rolled his eyes, growing bored of the back and forth. "Well, regardless of your twisted mind set on the matter, you will be deciding on this one." He backed away, standing back beside his son. "Grab her." he said, and the 6 men who had fought Aldrich ripped her from his arms. He was grabbed by another set of men, and his growls could be heard by everyone. Nicole fought against them, kicking and screaming as she was overpowered by them. A silver collar was placed around her neck, stopping her from fighting as the silver burnt her skin. Tears ran down her face as the silver burned and ached, but she looked up at Aldrich and kept her eyes on him. He had stopped struggling as the collar was placed around her neck, and he felt tears brimming his own eyes as he looked at her. He tore his gaze away from her, staring at Santiago. "If you harm her, I'll kill every last one of your people, do you understand?"

Santiago laughed, walking to stand in front of Aldrich. "You aren't in any position to be making threats, Branson. My son will take good care of her, she won't even miss you."

Aldrich growled and tried to break free of the men holding him back, but stopped once the stinging sensation of silver went through his neck. Santiago gave him one last look, before turning to Josh and Alex. "I'm taking one of your men. Who do you want to keep?"

Aldrich looked at them, but Alex was already speaking. "I'll go."

Santiago looked at him, his eye brow raised. "You're volunteering?"

Alex didn't reply, he just glared at the older man. Santiago huffed and nodded, and his men began dragging Nicole and Alex back from where they had originally came. He turned back to Aldrich, gesturing for his men to let him go. They did, and Aldrich balled his fists up, staring daggers into Santiago. Santiago tusked, poking his lip out in a sarcastic pout. "Don't look so down Branson. If you choose right, you'll have her back in no time." With that, he and his son turned and walked away.

Clyde, who was still laying in the dirt, called after them. But the two men acted like they didn't hear him, continuing to walk away. Aldrich watched as they disappeared in the pack house, the men who had threatened his people following after them. He turned to Josh, gesturing to Clyde. "Lock him up. Get answers out of him, anyway you have too."

Josh nodded, him and a few men picking up the screaming man and leading him to the cells. Aldrich rushed to his office, picking up his phone, ready to call James. He paused as he saw numerous missed calls and texts from the gamma.

Aldrich, answer!



LANCE IS HELPING THEM! He's helping the Santiago's!

Please keep Nicole safe. They're taking over the pack. Do not let her come here! I'm doing all I can to keep them out, but there's too many of them.

The last text gave Aldrich a slight bit of hope.

Delete this after you read it, but the person who sent the letter is a witch named Lilith. She's coming to your pack asap and will help you. I have to go. Lance is looking for me. I'm telling him what he wants to hear so I can get info from him. Tell Nicole I love her. Keep her safe.

Aldrich did as James said and deleted the text immediately after reading it. He knew he couldn't call him, not if Lance had taken over the pack for the time being and was working with Santiago. He instead thought of the witch, and knew who he needed. He ran out the office, yelling for Maribel. She was downstairs, sitting with Etoile. Both of them had tears steaming down their faces. They saw Aldrich and jumped up, rushing to him.

"Are you okay?" asked Maribel, her voice filled with worry.

Aldrich ignored her question, glancing between them. "Do either of you know a witch named Lilith?"

The woman froze at the name. "Yes." answered Maribel. "We know of her. Why?"

"I need to talk to her, now. She needs to get here." Aldrich's tone was full of anxiety and he was talking fast as he frantically looked between the woman.

Maribel took a deep breath and nodded. "I-I can try. It's not something I practice, but I can try."

Aldrich nodded, pulling her into a much needed hug. "Please, do it now. Silent Ash's beta betrayed us, and the pack has been overrun. The witch sent a letter a few days ago and she said she's coming, but I need her now."

Maribel hugged him back, rubbing his back soothingly. "I'll do what I can." she replied, pulling away and wiping a stray tear that had fallen down Aldrich's cheek. "She's strong. Me and Etoile both have seen it. She's gonna be okay."

Etoile glanced at Aldrich, tears falling down her face. "I had a vision, during the fight. I need to speak with you, now."

Aldrich nodded to her, and together, they walked to his office.

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