Supreme Court Roe.vs.Wade Ruling

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I wasn't sure if I wanted to post this, but given how many people read this book, I've decided I want to. If this offends you in anyway, well, I guess I'm sorry? But anyways, I'm sure most of you know that last week the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. For those of you that aren't familiar with what Roe v Wade is, or what it means for my country, continue reading.

Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States generally protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion. That's the general basis of it. But it is honestly so much more than that. Wanting to keep this semi short, I won't go into much more about that. Basically, the United States Supreme Court is now saying that it is unconstitutional for a woman to have a right to an abortion in the United States.

I've never called myself pro-choice, but I've never really truly considered myself as being pro-life either. I've always been on the fence about abortion. But now, as a mother to two beautiful little girls, and step-mother to a handsome little boy, I see now why abortion should be accessible to all woman and people who have women's anatomy (I'm sorry if I sound ignorant. I'm not very knowledgeable about pronouns and things like that. So feel free to correct me on the correct terminology.). It sickens me that a woman's right to choose what to do with her body is now being taken away from her, and I'm deeply saddened by how backwards my country seems to be going. I want anyone reading this that this is affecting to know that I am with you and I hear you. You are not alone in this country, and we will get through it.

I'm terrified that I have two beautiful little girls who are growing up in a country that does not care about their health or rights as woman. I've never personally had an abortion, but I can say this: I understand a very little amount how hard of a decision it is to make. I had a botched c-section with my youngest daughter, and the thought of going through all that again terrifies me to my core. My husband and I had a pregnancy scare just a few months ago, and we sat down and talked about what we would do if I truly was pregnant. We cried, we held each other as we decided that we would in fact choose to terminate the pregnancy if I had in fact gotten pregnant. We knew we couldn't financially support another child, and yes, we did take a change at getting pregnant when we had unprotected sex, but accidents happen. No matter how careful you are.

Luckily, we weren't, so we didn't have to go through with it. But any woman who is sitting here, reading this message that has had an abortion for any reason:

I hear you.

I'll never know what it's like to have an abortion, due to the fact that since the Supreme Court ruling, I have decided to have my tubes tied to prevent any further pregnancies. Unless my state wants to decide that I no longer have that right also, that is. Which is a decision that my state now has the right to make since the overturning of Roe v. Wade. I won't sit here and act like I do fully understand. But I do know that it is my right as a woman to make that decision for myself. It is my children's rights, as future woman living in the United States, to make that choice for themselves. Sadly, that right has been stripped away from them now.

As of now, unless the numbers have changed since I wrote this, 22 states have either made abortion illegal or have 'trigger laws' in case Roe v. Wade was ever overturned by the Supreme Court, meaning they can ban abortion within 30 days.

Four others are likely to ban abortion as soon as possible.

Most laws do not criminalize the woman seeking abortions, but rather the providers or those assisting the pregnant women seeking abortions.

However, depending on the state, that may change.

We will fight, we will protest. We will shout it until our throats are sore that we are woman, and we have rights!

I am with you. I stand with you. I hear you. And I see you.


Articles used for information/copied facts:

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