Chapter 39-FINAL

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Days had passed since Nicole and Drew's conversation about partial shifting, and the latter had done what Nicole told him and worked his ass off to get his body in shape. Aldrich was constantly pushing him, refusing to cut the young man slack, regardless if he was his brother or not. Drew, having gained a little confidence in himself, didn't mind the extra pressure from the older alpha. He appreciated Aldrich for taking time from his day to train and teach him, thanking the man so much, that after he thanked him so many times a day, he had to run. The same was for apologizing, which he did even more of. It sounded mean when Aldrich told Nicole, but the young man needed to get out of the habit of thanking and apologizing for every little thing.

"He'll never make it as an alpha, Nic, if he doesn't believe in himself. He doesn't owe me any thanks or apologies. So, he'll run until he realizes that."

Nicole had rolled her eyes at Aldrich, going back to watching Drew as he ran his ten miles for the day. A mile for every apology or thanks. Nicole felt pride swell in her as she watched him. He was shirtless, only wearing a pair of black basketball shorts and running shoes. She was so proud of him, a small smile never leaving her face.

It was the first time she had been out of the house for a while, having just given birth to hers and Aldrich's daughter. Everleigh Branson. She was the light of Nicole and Aldrich's lives, and even Drew and Nicollet couldn't get enough of her. When Nicollet wasn't handling things in Silent Ash, she was in Nightshade, taking every opportunity she could to coddle and love on her first grand-baby. She was a beautiful baby, with dark hair and bright, blue eyes. Aldrich hoped her eyes would stay blue, because they reminded him so much of Nicole's.

Nicole had a rough delivery, being in labor for nearly a day and a half. She had natural birth, no medication or assistance. Only her midwives- Mabel and Etoile, Aldrich, and her mom. Drew had been a nervous wreck when her water broke while they were sitting on the bed together. Nicole had been having complaints with lower back pain, but wrote it off as normal cramping or Braxton Hicks. When the wet spot suddenly appeared on the white bed sheets, Drew had immediately jumped up, calling Aldrich and then his mom. Hours later, Everleigh was born.

Aldrich was standing beside Nicole, his hand around her waist, watching as Drew ran his last mile for the day. "He's doing really well. I think he should be ready by next year."

Nicole's smile never faltered as she spoke. "I'm so proud of him. He really wants it."

Aldrich nodded in agreement, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay. Still pretty sore, but I'm alright. Everleigh is with Josh and Alex, they called dibs on babysitting today." she replied with a giggle.

"I never would've thought they would get so attached to a baby. I guess you learn something new everyday." Aldrich said back, chuckling.

Nicole leaned her head on his chest, as Drew came jogging up to them, his chest rising and falling at a quick pace. He placed his hands on top of his head, working to steady his breathing. "Okay, I'm done."

Aldrich nodded, chuckling at him. "Are we gonna stop saying sorry now?"

Drew nodded his head frantically. "Hell yeah. Fuck that."

Nicole and Aldrich laughed, slowly turning and making their way back to the house. Drew followed, catching a bottle of water Aldrich threw over his shoulder. "How's my little girl today?" he asked, taking a large swig of water.

"She's good. A little gassy, but I think that's my fault. A certain someone wanted tacos the other night. My breast milk isn't settling too well with her." Nicole replied, shooting Drew a fake glare.

Drew shrugged. "Sorry, Sis. You could've eaten something else. I'm a growing wolf."

Nicole rolled her eyes, letting Aldrich help her up the back steps to the house. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." she said with a grunt, making it up the last step. "I'll make you sleep outside if you keep on."

Drew laughed, taking the steps two at a time and following them in the back door. "No you won't. You're all bark and no bite."

Nicole ignored him, sitting softly down on the couch. She grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around her. Aldrich sat down beside her, Drew running up the stairs to go shower and change. Nicole leaned into Aldrich, feeling his arm wrap around her. "I love you." she mumbled, getting comfortable in his side.

"I love you." he replied, running his hand up and down her arm. He looked down at her when she let out a large yawn. "Sleep, Babe. You deserve it."

She smiled and pecked his naked chest. "This getting up every two to three hours is killing me."

"I'll get up with her all night, Babe. Don't worry about that. Just sleep."

Nicole nodded, closing her eyes and letting herself drift. Life was good, it had been for a while. They're baby was here, she had her mom, and a brother she never even knew about. Silent Ash was slowly coming back together, and Nightshade was beginning to get used to having two alphas. Lance had been cured of the curse placed on him, thank god; he and James were trying to mend things between them, which was going well. Life couldn't be better.

Nicole thought that having a mate would ruin her life. She just knew that she would eventually have to give up her place as alpha, opting to sit at the sidelines and be a luna. But Aldrich was different. He loved how dominant she was, hardheaded, and feisty. Yes, she had her flaws, as did he. But they made the perfect pair. Things had worked out for them, and life was slowly falling into place.

The End.

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