Chapter 37

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It had been a few days since Nicollet had spoke to James. She had called Nicole and Aldrich and spoke to them about everything, and a plan had began forming between the wolves as she thought about how to deal with Drew. He was suffering, unable to shift and let his wolf out. It was causing him physical and mental distraught, and she hated seeing her youngest child feel so lost and alone in his body.

Drew paced in his room, running his hand through his messy blonde hair for the millionth time that day. Since all the silver had left his body due to being free from his captors, his sense had heightened all at once, and he was still adjusting to the change. He had filled out, his once talk and lanky frame building muscle almost over night. He wasn't used to feeling or looking the way he did. It was all a major adjustment. He didn't stop his pacing at the sound of his door opening rang through his ears, but he did look up and watch as his mother walked in. She wore a small smile, one she always gave him when she knew he was overwhelmed. She knew him so well, like the back of her hand.

"Hun," she said quietly, knowing he was on the verge of a meltdown. "I can here you stomping from downstairs."

"I'm sorry, Mom." he mumbled, still pacing back and forth. "I just... I have this pent up energy and I... I can't let it out."

She gave him a sad smile, nodding. "I know, Dear. It's your wolf. That's all it is."

"How do I let him out? What do I do?!" he asked, his voice beginning to grow loud, panic seeping into him.

Nicollet walked calmly over to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, forcing him to stand still. "We're going to Nightshade. Aldrich is gonna help you." she said, a sense of finality in her voice.

"How? What can he do?" he asked, taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"He's gonna coax your wolf out of you. I've already spoken to him and Nicole.  Calm down, pack you a few things, and meet me at the car." Her voice was calm, soothing, and Drew finally felt himself calm completely, if only for a while. He nodded, doing as she said as Nicollet left the room.

She met with James, telling him what was happening and to call if he needed anything. She informed him she planned on returning with wolves from Nightshade to assist him in running the pack. Giving her a grateful smile, he nodded, picking her bags up and bringing them to the car for her. Drew came downstairs a few minutes later, a bag slung over his shoulder. Nicollet smiled warmly and led him to the car, climbing in the back with him.

They reached Nightshade before nightfall, and Aldrich and Nicole greeted them at the pack house. Nicole, whose stomach had tripled since the last time Drew saw her, immediately made her way to him. She wrapped him in a hug, as best she could, smiling and kissing his cheek. Drew smiled, laughing bashfully as she looked him up and down. "Damn, Brother. You put on some pounds." she commented.

He shook his head. "I've been eating like crazy. It's ridiculous."

Aldrich smirked, stepping up and giving him a brotherly hug. "That's the alpha in you. Get ready, it gets worse."

Drew smiled and hugged him back, pulling away and stepping back. "You look good, Sis. How's the baby?"

"She's good." she replied, rubbing her stomach. "I think she's getting ready. I feel like she'll be here next week."

"I can't wait." exclaimed Nicollet, pulling her daughter into a hug, pressing her lips to her cheek in a kiss. "I've missed you."

"I missed you, Mom. Y'all come in. It's getting chilly out."

They all made their way in the pack house, some wolves grabbing their bags and bringing them to their rooms. Aldrich took a deep breath, focusing his gaze on Drew. "So, you know why you're here?"

Alpha Female - Book 1 -Under Major Editing-Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt