Chapter 2

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They made it back to the pack house, different members of the pack bowing their heads to them as they walked by. Nicole led Lance to her office, gesturing for him to take a seat as they entered.

"How dare they come near our land and start demanding favors! I mean, what kind of respectable alpha sends his second and third command to ask for another packs help? Its fucking ridiculous." Lance had long begun pacing the room, his anger flaring as he ranted on about the disrespect shown by Nightshade.

"Lance, calm down. They're gone now. And if their alpha does come, then so be it. I'll speak with him, and whatever I decide, you'll go along with it. Yeah?" scolded Nicole, who had went and sat in her chair as Lance began his ranting. She was used to the treatment she received from most packs due to her being an alpha female. Most of the time, they were just intimidated by her, so she had learned to let it go. Lance, on the other hand, was willing to go to war for his alpha and friend. For that, Nicole was grateful.

Lance smiled, his pacing stopping as he turned his face to the ground and slouched his shoulders, a common act of submission. "Yes, Alpha, of course I will." he said proudly, looking back up to the alpha female as he heard her stand.

"Good. Go and find James please. Tell him to set up a meeting with Nightshade."

Lance nodded, turning and walking out of the office. Nicole sighed, running a hand through her blonde hair.

Behave when he gets here. Do you hear me?
Nicole could practically feel her wolf roll her eyes.

A Few Days Later

Nicole sat in her office, piles of paperwork scattered over the desk as she looked through profiles of different families wishing to join the pack. Her eyebrows furrowed in concentration as she read the background of one werewolf she had been considering.

Gender: M/F




Criminal Background

Theft [x]

Battery [x]

Assault [x]

Possession with Intent to Distribute [x]

She sighed as she sat the report down. She didn't like turning people away, but when they had violent charges, she had to look into the reasons behind the charges more. Her father had prided himself on keeping crime low within the pack, so she would for sure have to look deeper into the man's file she was reading. He seemed strong from his picture, and Nicole could see him possibly being a good warrior. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if the man was loyal, as that was a major rule they had within the pack.

It was late that night when Nicole finally went home. She had finished the paper work for the day, and was relieved to be leaving her office. She had drove to her house, her exhaustion starting to kick in as she drove the 10 miles from the pack house to her home. It was close by, but not right in the middle of everything. She had her privacy, but she was also close enough to be at the pack house in 10 minutes if need be. She headed straight into her house the minute she got there, taking a deep calming breath as she walked in.

   Her house was single story, not being to big but not too small. She had a decent sized porch, with two rocking chairs for her and her father to sit in when he decided to visit. A large hanging swing was also there, and Nicole often found herself sitting in it at night to relax. It was all decorated nicely with every piece of outdoor furniture having a cover on it. Nicole kept them clean, coming out at least 3 times a week to brush the dust and leaves from them. What could she say, she was still her mother's daughter.

Alpha Female - Book 1 -Under Major Editing-Where stories live. Discover now