Huening Kai 🩹💝support

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I freaking love Huening Kai :} That's all I gotta say now start reading.

You and Huening kai had been friends since pre-school and ever since you had been crazy together. You did everything together and even kissed passionately in his car sophomore year. It was so clear that you two were made for each other but when you met his group you fell in love with Soobin and although Kai wanted to be the one you love he ignored it and pretended to be happy for you even though he wasn't. You and Soobin were so happy until he started hanging out with Arin from Oh My Girl and you started feeling left out as he wasn't hanging out with you anymore, in fact he was blowing you off to hang out with her. Despite feeling left out you felt sort of happy as you and Kai had decided to hang out. One day as you were hanging out you had decided to go to the mall and just have fun. At this point you were feeling better as you and Soobin would fight every night over him hanging out with Arin too much and him saying you were just too jealous. Despite your heart hurting over Soobin you had been hanging out with Kai and felt much better but you still hadn't told him about Soobin but you figured it didn't matter. One day it had been too much and you broke down. Like it was you and Kai were hanging out at the mall and were snooping around stores standing around just to see what people were buying as it was just something that you did together and you had split up to see what you could see. He had wandered into a Starbucks and you had stumbled into a jewelry store called Pandora. You had looked around and felt kinda heartbroken as Soobin had usually bought you things like this but he stopped. While looking around the huge store you had stopped looking at the jewelry but now the people buying the beautiful jewelry and while looking up you had seen Soobin. You had felt reassured as he was looking at a pair of beautiful matching necklaces. He placed them on the counter to buy them. You thought that it might be for you but in the span of 2 seconds your heart broke as Arin accompanied him to the counter and they met in a kiss. Tears started to form in your eyes and fall down your face. You heard faint footsteps as it was Kai coming to tell you no doubt but stopped as he saw what you were also seeing. He stopped looking at Soobin and Arin and instead looked at you and saw the heartbreak in your eyes and the tears pouring down your face and pulled you tightly into his chest to a cozy embrace. The four of you being the only ones there (besides the staff of the store) Soobin and Arin stopped and looked over to see you sobbing into Kai's chest and him comforting you. Soobin looked white as a ghost, as Arin looked over at you smirking.

"Well look what's it is you being unfaithful."


"WOW watch what you say he loves me not you."

"you know what i don't even care anymore i knew this was going to happen."

"What do you mean Y/N."

" Soobin I don't want to be with you anymore but at least Kai cares about me."

"So this is what you have been doing."

"Well yeah because you know what Kai actually wants to hang out with me and he listens to me, Goodbye Soobin, Goodbye."

When those words left your mouth you and Kai left the store and mall. Kai walked you and him to his ExPeNsIvE car and placed you gently on the seat. He also sat in the car, as you started to cry into your hands he pulled you into his lap and you cried into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Y/N."

"It's not your fault Kai."

"I know Y/N but I feel responsible."

With that you looked up at him, his sparkling brown eyes looking down at you, as you looked up at him with loving eyes and then he kissed you with nervousness, and excitement. Dizziness, and heat took over your body. The softness mixed with the taste of your lips together made your heart flutter,you had tingle down the spine. Being in his firm embrace, His gentle hands running through your hair,your bumped foreheads mixed with each other's embarrassed smiles. You pulled away and giggled, you knew you would be together for a long time.

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