Jeongin 🔞 A morning play session

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I slowly peel my eyes open, still feeling very drowsy and sleepy. Under the covers, I feel warm and comforted in the bed. Over my waist, I feel the arm of my sleeping boyfriend. I sigh happily, snuggling into him a little more. Although I’m still warm and comfortable, I slowly feel my body waking up. Sighing softly, I slowly maneuver my way out of Jeongin’s arms. Thankfully, my boyfriend is a deep sleeper, so he stays asleep. Across the room, Han is still snoring softly, his face buried in his pillows.

Quietly, I make my way across the room and out into the living room and kitchen area. In the kitchen, I hear movement and walk towards them. I stick my head in and immediately see Felix pulling a plate out of the cabinet. “Can you get two, Lixie?” I ask, doing my best not to scare him. Felix jumps a little, bit looks over his shoulder and nods.

“Sure thing,” he says. It’s obvious that he just woke up, too, because his voice is still scratchy with sleep. He grabs a second plate out of the cabinet and hands it over to me.

“What’re you having?” I ask, looking around for breakfast foods. Felix points over towards the toaster on the counter.

“Just some toast,” he responds. As if on cue, the bread pops out of the toaster with a soft ‘ding’.

“I think I’ll have some, too.”

Walking over to the breadbox, I grab the loaf of bread out and take out some bread. I put the pieces into the toaster and turn around. Across the room, Felix is looking through the food cabinet, shifting things around. “What’re you looking for?” I ask curiously.

“Vegemite,” he says, offhandedly, shifting more things around. Just at the sound of the word, I have to hold back a gag. I scrunch up my nose at him is disgust.

“Nasty,” I mutter. Felix chuckles lightly, shaking his head.

“You just don’t have a taste for it, that’s all.”

“No, it’s nasty. Butter is good on toast. Nutella is good on toast. Vegemite is not good on toast,” I say, ticking off my fingers. He rolls his eyes at me and finally takes out the jar of Vegemite, grabbing a knife out of the cutlery drawer.

When he begins to spread the Vegemite over his toast, I cover my nose. “Ugh, Felix, I can smell it from over here!” I gag. He laughs lightly and continues to spread it over his food.

“Would you get out the butter? I’ll need it afterward,” he asks, pointing towards the fridge. I nod my head and turn to get the butter, still covering my nose. As I search through the fridge, I suddenly feel two arms wrap over my waist. I jump in surprise and look over my shoulder to see my boyfriend.

“What’re you doing up, Jeonginnie?”

I ask, kissing his lips lightly over my shoulder.

“You left the bed and it got cold,” he pouts.

“I just wanted to let you sleep. I know you’ve been really tired lately,” I point out.

“I don’t like sleeping without my puppy there,” he whines. I chuckle lightly and grab the butter out of the fridge, handing it over to Felix.

Calmly, I close the fridge and turn around in Jeongin’s arms. “How about this,” I propose, “we have some breakfast and then we can play…just to warm you up again.” Jeongin smiles, nodding his head.

“I like that idea,” he says, nestling his head into the crook of my shoulder. When I hear my toast pop up, I press lightly against Jeongin’s shoulders. I grab a plate and take the toast, taking the butter from Felix. I butter my toast and, by the time I finish, Jeongin has gotten out the bread and is making some toast. Felix laughs lightly.

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