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I woke up to the sound of my baby boy crying

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I woke up to the sound of my baby boy crying.

Groggily I rolled off my bed to make my way to his nursery.

When I got there I opened the door. I see him setting up crying. I pick him up and rock him against me. He doesn't stop crying so I know he's hungry.

I set down in the rocking chair in the middle of the room and pull down my bra.

"Dang little man calm down" i laughed.

I had Memphis six months ago. His dad is a whole different ball game. We met at a party and hooked up and that was that. When I found out I was pregnant I went to tell him and he said. " I  through the party to have a good time not become a dad." And left me on his front porch in the cold. After that I never wanted to leave a state so bad in my life.

The party was back in Tennessee I was home for a couple of days and went with one of my sisters.

I never wanted kids. So when I told my parents they were shocked to say the least. But in the end they still supported me and they still do.

When i told them I was still going to Boston for college they weren't really on the same board as me because I had no family no one to help me with Memphis.

Which is why I took Junior year online. If I didn't I would have had Memphis in the last semester of college.

I wanted to have him where I could have family to help me out

My mom one the other hand wanted me to name Memphis Robert. She wanted me to name him after my dad aka my dads name is Robert. I don't see how someone can name their adorable baby boy Robert no offense if your name is Robert but no.

My dad on the other hand was just happy that there was another boy in the house because I have 4 sisters.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when Memphis let go.

I tucked away the goods. I looked down at him. He was fast asleep he doesn't really wake up in the middle of the night Anymore.

He had blue eyes just like me he had curly light brown hair. He has most of my features besides from his lips and the texture of his hair. I know this might be biased but he is the cutest baby I have ever seen.

Once I get done admiring him I put him back in his crib and crack the door on my way out.

Once I get back to my room I take a big sip of water that I have on my bed side table.

If I'm being honest I'm really glad I had him. When I first found out I was scared. I didn't know what I was going to do.

I lost alot of friends when people found out I was pregnant. They didn't like the thought of being friends with someone who's going to have a baby in the next seven months.

Coming back I can only hope people don't judge me.


"OPEN UP SLEEPY HEAD I NEED IN". That would be my lovely bestfriend Everest Monroe.

"I'm coming" I yelled as I was walking to the door.

"Yea you are" she said with a smirk on her face when I opened the door. I gave her a flat look.

"So where's my favorite boy at" she asked walking right past me into the living room looking for Memphis.

"He's still asleep"

"Well that gives you time to fix all of that" she said waving her hand up and down my body.
"What does that mean gives me time to fix all of this" i followed her actions.

"Well if you want to look presentable for the first back to college I suggest you do". She gave me a sweet smile heading for the kitchen with me following her.

"You know I was thinking of going in this" i said sarcasm lasing my tone.

She looked at me and rolled her eyes not once believing me.

"What! I think it's a great look if I'm saying." I said. "Yea if you want to look like a throw up rag"she said as she made herself some cereal.

"It's not dirty it's just stained." I said smoothing my shirt out. I mean she is right it does look like a throw up rag but it's the best sleep shirt.


"Ok I think this is the one."Everest pulled out a dark blue crew neck. She already picked out light washed boyfriend jeans I have them on.

"Yea I guess." I said turning my attention back to Memphis so I could finish feeding him his yogurt.
He's setting in his little jumper.

"Go put this on and I'll feed little meme." She said handing me the crew neck shooing me off.

I take off the shirt I had on and turn to the mirror. I run my fingers along my stomach I have a few stretch marks my hips are some what wider. I was a lot smaller before I had Memphis. Some days I wish I could go back to being like that but I know that I wasn't healthy.

I put the crew neck on trying to not let that ruin my mood.

"Ok does this look good." I ask as I'm coming out of the bath room. "You look so good." Everest said. "Doesn't mama look good." She asked Memphis turning him around so he could see me. When he was fully turned my way he started crying.

"Aww baby don't cry." I said walking over to them and grabbing him from Ev.

"I think it's because he can't see the milk machines that well." She said

I just rolled my eyes and bounced Memphis on my hip.

"See he's reaching for your boobs just show little meme what he wants." She said coming over to us giving him a kiss on the head and me a side hug.

"I'll see you at lunch ok Miss Kay's alright don't forget." She said on her way out.

"Bye I love you!"

Once I heard the door close I set on my bed and rested against the head board and started to feed Memphis.

Once he was done we went into the his nursery. I changed his diaper. I changed him into some overalls that matched my jeans and a blue long sleeve shirt.

After that we made our way to class.

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