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"Memphis can you please stop crying for five seconds?" I say trying to hurry in the shower

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"Memphis can you please stop crying for five seconds?" I say trying to hurry in the shower.

I'm already late. And I don't have a babysitter so I have to bring Memphis.

"Baby please I'm almost done" All I have to do is rinse out my conditioner.

He's teething and doesn't feel well. And is hungry.

"Ok ok see you're ok mamas right here." I say walking over to his jumper and picking him up.

I walk to my room and set down against the head board and undo the knot on my towel so I can feed him.

He latches right on. I swear he just ate thirty minutes ago.

After he's finished I put him in his bassinet and walk in my closet.

I am not in the mood to dress up so I'm going for sweats.

I put on a grey zip up hoodie with just a sports bra on underneath it so I can feed Memphis easy. And then I put on some black sweat pants.

I walk over to my vanity.

I'm thinking low messy bun. Yea that'll work.

Then I put on my everyday jewelry.

I'm getting Memphis's dipper bag ready when my phone starts ringing.

It's chase.


"Hey class started are you ok?" He asked it sounded like he was in the hallway.

"Yea Memphis isn't feeling well and we woke up late but we're leaving right now." I said putting my phone on speaker and putting Memphis in his car seat carefully so he doesn't wake up.

"Ok Just checking I'll see you when you get here." He said before hanging up.


"At least he sleep through the whole thing." Chase said as we were walking into the cafe.

"Yea he'll probably wake up soon." I said.

Right on cue he starts crying and making grabby hands to me meaning he wants to get out.

"I'll order you go find a seat." Chase said moving beside me.

"You know what I get right?"


I walk away to find a table. There's a booth towards the back so I set in that one.

"Hey baby." I say as I take Memphis out of his car seat.

I put him underneath me zip up hoodie and pull down my bra.

He starts eating he must be really hungry I can hear him drinking.

"They said it'll be about 15 minutes or so." Chase said setting down and putting the little number on the end of the table.

"Alright." I say and look down at Memphis.

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