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I run to the nearest park and sit on a swing. Yes, I know that I'm too old for a swing, but it helps me relax. I didn't get how the man had known my name. No one knew, even if he was a VIP, he didn't have access to my personal infos. But, something that still intrigued me was his eyes. How did he have those silver orbs like me? 


Unless we were related. But no, it was impossible, I had no one left in this world. But when I though about it again, I suddenly remembered his name. A.Sol. A, for probably his first name and Sol, it could be a shortened version of Solace. It seemed absurd, but I couldn't help but hope, maybe I had someone left after all. 

I had gotten more clothes since I had made some money. But still, my belongings didn't even make up 1/4 of the things that Steven had. I changed into some loose leggings and a loose shirt. Steven came up and I asked for the schedule for tomorrow. "You have a meeting with A.Sol." He replied casually.

"What?" I felt my eyes popping out.

"Don't worry, we won't let him hurt you, he just wanted a private meeting with you." Steven looked amused and I let him slide. I went into the small bathroom and brushed my teeth, pulled back my hair and lay down in a small cot besides the even smaller mattress. 

"I know you won't. Now good night, because tomorrow might be a hell of a mess." I turned and pulled the thin blanket over myself. Steven looked at me curiously but I didn't reply as I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to Steve shaking me. "Get up sleeping beauty." He coos and I smack his arm. "Go away, its too early." I groan, my voice drowsy with sleep.

"You've got the meeting with A.Sol in around 2 hours, I'll buy you breakfast!" At the word 'A.Sol' and 'breakfast' I jump out of bed and go into the bathroom. I change into some light blue jeans and a loose blouse. My hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, mind you, it had grown to my waist in all these years. 

Steven bought a sandwich for me and I ate, while thinking. The two hours seemed to go on forever and ever, until it was time. I put on sunglasses, I usually never let people see my eyes except when I was fighting, to let them know that they were fighting with Queen Moon.

The conference room was big, a round table was placed in the middle, with beautiful ornate chairs around it. In one chair, stood A.Sol, he had almost 3 dozen bodyguards. So someone important for sure. 

"Good morning miss Moon, sorry for my abruptness but may I ask, are you Morana?" He looks like a killing machine and I can't help but step foreword, almost like a challenge. "And If I was?" I twist my lips up. 

The man raises his eyebrows at me and I sit down opposite of him. "I am. Let's see. I'm guessing you're around 20, 21. Your fighting name is A.Sol, which is so not cool by the way and A is your name, Sol stands for Solace, am I correct?" Its my turn to raise my eyebrows.

"So you still have that cool composure. Nice to see you again sis. Welcome back to the Solace family." He stands up and comes close to me. "Right, you think I'll fall so easily into a trap, even if you were my brother, You don't have legal guardianship over me, so ta-ta I've got some 'other' people to meet."

"Wait. This isn't a trap." He says sooo convincingly, "Right, that's exactly what someone would say if it was a trap." I just keep walking, until a hand touched my wrist. My whole body tenses at that touch and I whip around to kick his shins. "Don't EVER touch me without my consent." I growl, almost like a lion.

"Right, remind me to never make you angry again." He is on the ground as the bodyguards hold me. He motions for them to release me. "Don't touch her. She is a Solace, do you know what that means?!?! You are all fired." He shouts at the bodyguards and they sheepishly get back to their posts. 

"I will come with you."

"What? Really?"

"Yes, but if its a trap, I can't say I will be leaving without killing some, no maybe a lot of your men." And he smirks at that. "Anddd I want your name, what kind of brother are you if you don't even tell me your name?"

"You've got fire and ice sis. My name is Adrian, you've got 4 other brothers." The comes up to me, and slides my sunglasses off. "You really are a Solace." His voice is clear, but all I am seeing is HIS eyes. They look so much alike to mine, this close even more so.

(some time later)

The car pulls up to a gigantic mansion, it seems almost like a small castle. It has tall black gates and beautiful roses planted, my favorite flower. It seems almost like a fairytale, too good to be true. Guards are everywhere, but that just makes the scenery messed up. Adrian leads me to the pool and 4 people are sitting around it. One, who seems to be the youngest stands up and the rest follow after him

"Rana?" He whispers and I walk over to him. "I take it your one of my brothers? Hmmm probably Logan, right?" He laughs and whispers, "You're so correct baby sis." "Hey I heard that your only 1 year older than me!" He laughs again. "Still a year older sis, still a year older. 

One man walks over to me. He looks to be around 40. "Your the oldest? I guess your Damon?" I give a slow smile to him and he gives a small smile back. "Good to finally see you sister." And then he launched himself at me. 

I thought, 'Stupid stupid me! How could I have believed I really had a family? I had known and walked into a lion's den. But all the underground fighting helped, because without me realizing so, I had stepped out of the way flipped him down and locked him into a  headlock, even though he was a few feet taller than me. 

"Good, every good. You will do well with us. By the way, this isn't a trap, although your obviously thinking that." With that, he flipped me off and held my wrists, when he let go, he had made a purple bruise on one wrist. I glared at him, while the rest of my brothers did too. Logan reached out and touched it but I pulled back and used my other good hand to slam him down.

 "Don't touch me! I have told Adrian before, but none of you have the right to touch me unless I say so, and that equals ALL of you. So if I were you, I'd watch out before trying to touch me again, because, without my consent, you may just loose some important parts of your body." I laughed while my brother's mouths' opened and Damon smirked. 

"Sorry, but not gonna work." Damon smiled at me in earnest. "Right, you in the Mafia or something?" It was my turn to smirk at them while once again, their mouths' opened. "How do you know? Rocco, another brother looked at me like I was from another planet. 

"Way to obvi boys. way to obvi. There are so many hints, and tooo many guards. Even if you guys are CEO of Solace company, you can't be this good at fighting. Also, why would he." I pointed to Adrian, "Be on a business trip to and UNDERGROUND FIGHTING place?"

"Good deducting sis. You are going to be perfect for our next heist." Jason smiles at me while the others glare.

"She isn't ready."

"She just arrived!'

"Nuuh, were never letting her out of the house!"

"Sheesh, protective much? Let the girl live her life." I turn to the new voice and find a beautiful raven haired girl with honey golden eyes and tall frame. "And you are?" I raise my eyebrows at her. "Good to finally meet you. I'm Guinevere Damon's GF. You can call me Gwen though." I take an instant liking to this girl. 

"Right, since introductions are finished, who want to show her around?" Jason calls out and instantly everyone steps foreword, but I fall in next to Gwen. "Sorry guys, gonna spend some girl time to make up for my life. I'll see you later!" With that, I leave the boys pouting at each other. Finally, I feel as if my life is complete again. For Now.


How do you guys like the story so far? I hope its interesting, sorry this chapter was a bit long, there's so much to write!! Please vote and comment! THX- and I'm out! 

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