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I was freaked out. As was everyone else (except Damon). Adrian was usually the calm and collected one. But right now, it seemed he was anything but. I knew that Morana had just been teasing, and Adrian shouldn't have acted like the way he was acting now.

We all got up and speed towards the kitchen, to see Morana being pressed against a countertop and Adrian gripping her wrist so hard that it looks like it will crack. Damon looks in on interest and I keep eyeing him to break this up.

Morana looked Adrian strait in the eye, "Adrian, let go." Her voice didn't waver an inch, which surprises me. Adrian just squints his eyes and doesn't move, at all. Damon starts walking towards them after seeing this but stops as Morana holds up a hand.

Then says her death wish. Not really, but the look that Adrian gives to her is just wayyy too terrifying. Morana just keeps talking, "Look, I'm sorry or whatever, but I've got to go now." I literally almost fainted, right then and there, by the look Morana had on her face, I knew that she knew I had almost fainted.

Adrian grips her wrist harder until a crack is heard. Oh my god, I think he just broke her wrist! Everyone in our family looks shocked but even more surprising, Morana doesn't even wince. She just looks mildly pissed and her voice is ice when she stares at Adrian. "Right, I was letting you do this since I did walk over the edge, but this, this is way too far, nobody touches my wrist without consequences."

With that, everyone's mouth drops open, and I mean literally drops open because Morana kicks his stomach and pushes him off. I run out of the kitchen then, and try make myself useful. I bring the emergency kit from the living room. Gwen is a highly trained assassin that is also trained in medical ways. She had her PhD and is mostly our family doctor.

I bring the medical kit back to the kitchen. Gwen is pressing Morana's wrist and she gives a small yelp. Adrian is gone, nowhere to be seen. I have seen Gwen work plenty of times, but never seen her wrap a wrist with such precisian. I can see that Morana has effected us greatly, but in a good way. But trouble is on the way.

I am the youngest in the family and I KNOW how people like Morana think. And right now, she is planning to run away. I understand the circumstances, but she can't just run off, not after we spent so many years finding her. I promised to never loose her again, and I intend to keep that promise, whatever the price is.

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