Delivery Man!izuku x F!reader🍋

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The subdued sound of yelling pulled you from your hazy dream into a waking awareness. Shit... what time was it? Your eyes shuttered and squeezed as a sliver of light peeking through your blinds warmed your face and briefly blinded your vision white. This was supposed to be your day off, twenty-four whole hours of reprieve that the fast life of a young professional infrequently allowed; a day where you could—were supposed to enjoy the simple pleasure of sleeping in past an absurd amount of time. You groaned as your ears picked up another muffled shout. Your body shifted to roll over and press your face into the plush fabric of your pillow, hoping that if you suffocated yourself enough you'd pass out into a deep, soothing slee—another loud yelp and the sound of toppling items greeted your ears.


The sound of a familiar voice was what made you groan one last time before you were slowly crawling out of bed, vaguely aware that as you dragged yourself to your bedroom door your crumpled sheets followed. As you moved closer to the front door, the voices became increasingly audible. One, a man...? You foggily wondered, though it was kinda hard to tell from the girlish squeaks and squawks that broke through the yelling. The secondary, more familiar voice however, you had recognized.

Mrs. Kimura: the general consensus around the complex was that the older woman was no nonsense—tough, firm, a little violent. And if you could help it, to steer clear of her presence. You'd been one of the fortunate ones to evade her wrath, being one of the very few young professionals on her floor whilst the rest of the surrounding apartments were filled with middle-aged to senior residents who she dubbed were, "pussies and morons who were better off croaking than living on her floor." A sentiment she shared with you some time ago whilst forcing a ceramic baking dish in your hands, still warm and steaming—an offering of sorts, her little way of saying she didn't hate you. And for that, you were lucky.

"Ahck! Miss—I'm so sorry!!"

Couldn't say the same for this other person though.

When you pulled your door open, the sight that greeted you both startled and confused you. Sure enough, it was Mrs. Kimura from down the hall. Her grouching around and shouting at others wasn't what surprised you. No, it was the fact that she was violently beating down a rolled up magazine on the head of some poor man—the deliveryman it seemed, when you tiredly registered the boxes scattered on the ground. You briefly watched his large figure use his arms to both cower and shield himself from the short woman. The resounding crack of a "thwip!" from her magazine made you flinch and scrunch your face in pity. She was really putting her back into it, you couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy.

Yet, you didn't have the chance to process much past tall and green, your vision bleary and still trying to clear the last vestiges of drowsiness as you fumbled to slip on some mismatched slippers sitting by your door. In your haste, you rushed forward to slot yourself in between your neighbor and her victim.

"M-Mrs. Kimura!" you yelped, eyes wide as you tried to dodge her hand. She didn't answer you, too deep in her tirade and her voice overpowering your's as she spat a venomous: "Moron, don't you know how to be more careful?!"

"P-please-" thwap! "-stop—ouch! Hitting me!" he pleaded still. Despite your heroic act of attempting to shield his hulking mass, your body didn't really do much against her quick and nimble fingers.

Still, you flinch as she gets a hit on you too. Why the fuck was she using such a thick edition??

"Shit! Mrs. Kimura!" you enunciated with a raised voice. "What on earth is going on right now?!" Chest heaving, you took note of her halting movements as she finally noticed that you were standing in front of her target, but her deceptively frail hands were quick to get some taps in. You immediately pouted and furrowed your brow in disapproval, her name leaving your mouth in admonition.

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