Hawks x F!reader🍋

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door of your shared home and tosses the door shut behind him. It closes loud enough that it makes you jump a little from your seat on the couch.

You open your mouth to speak as you whip your head around to look at him, but his lips move first and the the quality of his tone catches you off guard. It's gruff and commanding, but still controlled.

"Don't move."

Your mouth closes into a small frown. Confusion is evident on your features, but he isn't looking at you to see it. He hasn't even peeked in your direction yet.

He kicks off his boots as he stalks over to the couch, letting them fall haphazardly in his path. His coat comes off next, shrugged off his shoulders fast enough to make a soft whooshing sound before it piles onto the floor behind him.

"Keigo, what's—,"

You don't get to finish your question either, because he's suddenly on his knees in front of you, parting your knees with an assertive confidence that throws you for a loop as you blink at him.

"Bad day. I just," he explains in a huff—if you can call that an explanation.

His hands knead at your flesh, working their way higher as he bunches up the hem of the oversized shirt that's hiding your bare skin from him. His lips move to the inside of your knee and begin their ascent while his thumbs rub circles into the innermost part of your thighs. He gently pries your legs open further and continues to lean in, trailing fervent kisses up towards your core.

"K-Kei, baby. Hahh..what. What're you—,"

"Jus' need.." he murmurs, voice barely audible as he begins jawing at your clothed cunt. "To taste you."

You gasp, the noise transforming into a moan as you watch his messy blonde locks diving deep between your thighs. He's practically eating you out already, pressing the fabric of your panties between your lips to search for your clit with the tip of his tongue.

Of course, he finds it. He moans shamelessly as he begins dragging it in slow circles, teasing you not only with his tempo, but by keeping the barrier between you. It isn't until you start squirming, hands wrenching anxiously at the couch cushions, that he relents.

"I see I'm not the only one who's impatient today," he drawls, smirking against your inner thigh while his golden eyes peek up at you.

He gently nips at your skin while pulling his gloves off to hook a finger into the crotch of your panties. His eyes never once stray from your face, remaining dutifully fixed on your expression.

The way that your lips part when his warm breath fans over your bare pussy makes his cock throb and his mouth water.

"Fuck," he breathes out, hurrying to slip your underwear off of your hips and toss them aside. "I don't even have the patience to tease you properly today. Can't wait any longer."

He stoops down to toss your legs over his shoulders, hands gripping your hips to tug them right up to the edge of the couch. You sink into the cushions as his tongue sinks into you, tasting the mess he'd made of you already with his unexpected onslaught of affection.

"Keigo!" You cry out, sinfully sweet moans pervading the air.

However, they're nothing in comparison to the frankly disgusting sounds that he's making as he laps at your core. He's a man who's wholly unashamed and hungrier than you've ever seen him.

Your hands push into his hair and he growls, hands slipping beneath you to grab handfuls of your ass as he feasts. His tongue slides in and out of you, nose bumping against your clit as his pink muscle delves deep.

"Goddamn, you taste good," he murmurs when he comes up for air.

He isn't up long, diving right back into to kiss the lips between your legs with as much passion as he has ever delivered to the ones on your face. He turns his head this way and that, slipping his tongue inside you now and again just to feel the way you clench and cry out when he does.

He moves on to your clit next, giving it some much needed attention by closing his lips around it to suck. He's gentle at first, giving you just enough to keep you steadily marching towards your end, but he soon becomes greedy, lashing at the sensitive bundles of nerves with his tongue as a smirk spreads across his face.

Your brows knit together, jaw hanging open as pathetic noises escape you while you just sit back and watch him completely unravel your with his mouth alone.

"Wings," he instructs, the word muffled and partially drowned out by the sound of you both panting.

You nod as you comply, reaching down to grab onto the base of his wings, working your hands along and into his plumage, fingers tensing around his feathers whenever he stimulates your clit just right.

He moans just as loudly as you do while he drives you right up to the edge. His chin is slick with proof of his efforts. You're a quivering, shaking mess, seconds away from what you're anticipating might be the greatest orgasm of your life and you're both excited and fearful of the full force of it hitting you.

And then it does.

Your thighs close involuntarily around his head, hands tugging on his wings as your head snaps backward, resting against the back of the couch as you let your cries of ecstasy echo off of the vaulted ceiling of the penthouse.

"Mhm," he hums, happier than he's ever been when he finds himself trapped between your legs. "Doin' so good for me, baby."

He isn't sure if you can't take much more, but he doesn't want to stop. He's completely lost himself to the taste of you and he just wants to keep chasing it.

He wants to make you feel even better, scream even louder and cum even harder.

"B-baby," you whine, though it comes out as a whisper, voice hoarse from expressing your pleasure. "Keigo. M'done. I can't—fuck! C-can't take anymore, baby."

"Yeah, you can," he insists, nose bumping your clit again as his tongue voyages inside you once more.

He can't stop himself. He just needs to make you fall apart like that one more time. Just once more, he tells himself as he doubles down on his efforts, slipping two digits inside you while he laps relentlessly at your pussy.

"Just need one more, baby. You can give me that, yeah?" He coos sweetly, peeking up at your face before his eyes are right back on the main attraction. "You're close. I know you are, angel."

He correct. You gush a moment later and he moans at the sight, unwilling to tear his eyes away as he marvels at the evidence of his effect on you, muttering curses beneath his breath while you scream them without restraint.

"So good. So, so good," he praises you when he finally leaves your poor pussy be.

He crawls over your trembling frame, carefully slipping his muscular arm beneath you as he lays down and pulls you on top of him.

"Thank you for that, baby," he says quietly as he kisses the top of your head, his smile growing when he feels you shiver. "I needed that. And I love you," he adds with a whisper as he begins to gently rub your back.

"Mm," you hum, eyes closed and body still wired. It's the only sound that you're capable of at the moment.

He chuckles and closes his eyes.

"I'm going to assume that means that you love me too."

"Mmhmm," you confirm, eyes too heavy to open as you nuzzle into his chest and feel his smiling lips on your forehead once more.v 

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