Five ・゚✧

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Liam's potentially nice facade didn't last for too long as Zayn was awaken rather early the next day by the opposite boy who was laughing and chatting away on the phone to someone about how he had 'scored some fit chick' on Tinder. It was something that Zayn certainly did not need right right now as his head was banging, his tummy felt funny and he was way too warm - he assumed he had picked up some sickness bug and quietly groaned to himself, sitting up and rubbing his temple in hopes of it soothing his headache.

He looked towards Liam who was now looking in his direction and turning the phone off speaker phone. He held it to his ear. "Sorry, mate. I'm gonna have to go, my roommate has just woken up and he's looking at me."

"Don't have to end the call just because I'm awake." Zayn muttered and Liam put the phone down and shrugged, "Well I didn't want you to hear the conversation."

"Whatever. Heard most of it as it woke me up. Soo..."

Liam rolled his eyes and crossed his legs on his bed, "What's up with you then?"

"My head kills and I feel like shit. Probably not gonna go to my lectures today so please don't bother me." He sighed, getting up and taking some ibuprofen before leaning against the counter in the kitchen and drinking some of the cold tap water. Liam watched him carefully, "Right. Well can I help you in anyway then? I've got today off."

"How would you help...?" Zayn asked, shocked that the opposite boy would even suggest such a thing. If anything, Zayn would have thought that Liam would laugh at him and make his day a living hell for him.

"I don't know, like... Make you chicken soup or something?" Liam offered and looked down, playing with the fading metallic rings that were on his fingers. It almost looked as if he were shy and that intrigued Zayn, how could someone who acted so big and strong all the time - suddenly become shy over chicken soup? It was quite amusing.

"If.. If you don't poison me?" He teased, sitting upon the counter top. His arms across his stomach and a leg up to his chest. Liam looked back at up at him with a cheeky grin on his face, "Don't be giving me ideas, Zayn. I might give you salmonella if you're not careful - you'll feel even more like shit then and I'll be sat laughing."

Zayn raised an eyebrow, "You wouldn't." but when he came to think about it, that was definitely something that Liam would do. He's sure of it. "Okay. You probably would."

Liam laughed and got up, "Right. Get back in your bed then as I make it then. Can't have you taking up my countertops as I need my work area for my soup craftsmanship."

"Yeah, 'course... Your soup craftsmanship. Where did you even learn it from?" The boy hummed, heading back over to his bed. He got into it with a yawn and pulled his teddy up and into his arms, keeping it hidden under the duvet.

"From my Mother. She'd make chicken soup for me whenever I was ill, no matter how ill I was. Even if I had a little cold or something, she'd always make it and it was the best thing ever. Sometimes I even pretended to be ill, simply so that I could have it. I hope that I can live up to her standards with this one, you'll have to let me know if you like it or not, as that way, I'll know whether or not I should make it for you again the next time you feel like crap." He said as he began to get out the ingredients he needed, laying them all out on the side and slowly beginning to work with them. Cutting them up and mixing them together in a pan with some boiling water.

"Oh. That's... Sweet." He yawned again, rubbing his eyes. Still feeling confused over the whole sudden personality switch up from the man, but also way too tired to care for it at the moment.

"Have a nap. I'll wake you when it's finished if you'd like?" Liam asked as he chopped up some celery, looking over at Zayn who was practically half asleep by now. A slight feeling of guilt covered his chest as he knew that Zayn was not only tired from being ill, but also from being awaken early due to his loud voice talking away on the phone. Zayn hummed in response and drifted off to sleep rather instantly, pushing both his duvet and his teddy from his arms onto the floor as he felt too warm.

The opposite boy had continued to watch the sleeping boy for a while, leaving the soup to simmer. He hummed softly and added some salt and pepper to the soup before making his way over towards the boy, picking up the puppy teddy that had previously fallen to the floor and was half covered by the duvet on the ground. By now Zayn's teddy was quite visibly old as the boy had owned it for a fair few years; the teddy had been through a lot with him and was very special. Zayn didn't know what he'd do without the teddy and he'd be lying if he said that he didn't take it everywhere with him because he did, the teddy went to the first day of college with him and now is in his university dorm. The teddy no longer felt as soft and as smooth as it used to do but it showed just how much love the teddy had received over time, the ears were floppy and the stitching was slowly coming undone. Liam smiled to himself and tucked the teddy back into Zayn's arms, the boy had took it immediately to his chest and held it tight.

Liam wondered how he'd never noticed this teddy before, considering the fact he's shared a dorm with Zayn for around three months now, but then again - he didn't even know what course Zayn was studying. Perhaps he was a bad roommate just like Zayn was making him out to be?

the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamWhere stories live. Discover now