Fourteen ‎✧ ೃ༄

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"Off topic but I'm genuinely considering quitting football to take up cooking

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"Off topic but I'm genuinely considering quitting football to take up cooking." Liam mumbled and admired his own food, feeling proud of it. Zayn giggled and looked over, "Genuinely?"

"Genuinely, yeah. Do you think that's a smart move?" He asked, watching it cook. He was thankful stir fry didn't take too long to make as he was starving, his day felt extremely long and he couldn't wait to tuck in to a warm meal and discuss more with Zayn - however, he was anxious that he'd overwhelm the poor boy once more so he'll have to be careful, he was sure that he had done enough of that over the past few weeks, months and days.

"Ummm. Could be." Zayn replied and chewed at his nail, chewing at his nails was a bad habit that Zayn had picked up during his younger years. He hasn't been able to quit the habit just yet, though chewing on anything has became a bad habit for him really as he always has to have something in his mouth. It's comforting for him.

"My parents wouldn't enjoy it if I did though, I see you've switched movies... How do you like this one?"

"s' good but there is a lot of bad guys in it.. Well I guess there's only one, The Evil Queen." Zayn pouted.

Liam chuckled, "Do you not like the bad ones? They're my favourite."

"Makes sense," Zayn mumbled and giggled to himself, eyes still on the iPad. Liam raised an eyebrow, teasingly, and dished up the food, putting both his and Zayn's into a bowl along with a spoon. "Alright, stir fry is all done for you."

"Thank you." The older boy smiled and made his way over to Liam, still holding his teddy in his hand. He was grateful that he no longer has to hide the stuffed toy and he was thankful Liam didn't judge him for it, even if at first he was shocked to see it. Zayn collected his food and licked his lips, "It looks good, you are quite a good cook."

"Thanks. This is easy to make and we can leave it in the fridge for another day if there are leftovers: it's a personal favourite because I'm a lazy arse." He replied, mixing and wrapping the stir fry around his own fork before putting it to his lips and tasting it. "10/10 I smashed it again."

"Lazy arse, that's true." Zayn hummed, eating his own, enjoying how it tasted. He bit his lip, looking at Liam, "Yummy." He wasn't used to people making him meals as he has had to do everything on his own since attending University so he was quite enjoying Liam making and getting all of this food for him. It was nice to see a different, caring side to the boy and it made his day run by more smoothly and relaxed. It also meant that he didn't miss out on meals as Zayn often forgot to eat due to the fact he was too busy being distracted by something else (usually painting or watching a movie) so it truly meant a lot.

"So I have another question...," Liam started and Zayn looked up at him, "Hm?"

"Lemme get to it... Sooo..."

Zayn nodded, watching and waiting. "Yes?"

"You told me not to tell anyone about the age regression so am I the only one that knows?" Liam looked at him, watching to see his reaction and hear his response, "I guess.. Well my friend Louis knows, and his partner too. Like I said though, they've never seen me in it or even know much about my own personal headspace. Everyone's space is different. I'm quite quiet and relaxed in mine... I know some littles that are loud and cheeky but maybe I just haven't unlocked that side of my space yet?" He chuckled.

the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamWhere stories live. Discover now