Twenty four ‎✧ ೃ༄

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"Remember when I said you were Innocent?" Liam whispered to Zayn who played with his hands, shyly. "This is what I meant... But don't worry, it's alright."

"I feel embarrassed." Zayn muttered and Liam wrapped his arm around him, "Oh. I'm sorry to make you feel like that.. We don't have to have a night-out, it was just a suggestion. Please don't ever do something you don't want to do because I've suggested it, that is the last thing I'd ever want you to do." He said softly, rushed and quietly - feeling instant regret that he may have accidentally pressured the boy. "If you want to instead, we could go to the park when it's like midnight and we are the only ones there? I've never been down a slide in the dark but I've always wanted to."

"No... I do.. But like, I've never been on one before so I don't really know what one is like? What if I embarrass myself, or... I've never been drunk, Liam." He sighed. "And that park idea does sound good."

"Probably a lightweight then," he smirked , "Just as I thought... But it's okay. You don't have to drink alcoholic drinks.. A night out is about dancing, talking and making friends too.. Not just putting different substances into your body." The boy sat up, eating one more sandwich, "How is Niall with you? Still alright?"

"I think.. He just keeps looking at me weirdly? Maybe.. And he.. Do you think he probably thinks like I'm a nerdy, frigid weirdo? It seems that way." Zayn groaned, putting his head in his hands. "He definitely thinks that of me. He's going to hate me, Liam, and then it will be awkward for you two and I'm really sorry."

"Hush it. You're overthinking. Niall doesn't think that at all." He reassured, "Niall hasn't started any arguments yet and he usually does that very quickly if he dislikes someone, he seems comfortable with you already and I hope that you two can end up being good friends."

"Maybe. Can I admit something?" Zayn asked, eating some of his salad. "Go on?"

"My friend hates you, Louis.. And I think he always will. I did try to change his mind but it didn't seem as though he wanted to change it."

"What? Why?" Liam questioned, huffing. Now it was his turn to put his arms across his chest, he looked quite the toddler - and being a toddler was very much Zayn's role, not his! "Self explanatory, in case you forgot how you were a dick to me... He knows all about it and I tried to tell him you've changed but he was having none of it. He'd probably be scowling at you the whole time if you ever properly met him."

"Right. I see." He groaned and Niall arrived back, already filling his face with the orange chocolate cake, moans practically falling from his pink lips with how gorgeous the soft-velvet-like cake tasted on his tongue. Zayn couldn't help but blush at the noise, the two lads were totally a different breed or something because holy shit.  "You should really try the new chocolate orange one guys... it tastes nicer than the time I ate out my year 11 crush."

Liam got up, tapping his hands against his thighs. "Unnecessary comment there, Nialler but I'll give it a go. Want some, Zayn? I'll grab you a plate."

"Um. Please but only a little bit because I'm already quite full." He nodded, handing over his now empty plate towards Liam who took it and made his way over to the dessert section, grabbing a slice for himself and a slightly smaller one for Zayn. He had them heat the cake up because he always thought it tasted much nicer when it was warm, though he made sure that it wasn't too warm as he didn't want to burn his mouth, or for Zayn to burn his either. Returning with it, he placed it down with a spoon in front of Zayn and the boy smiled up at him, "Thank you."

"Let's see if this is really what Niall has made it out to be..." Liam mumbled, taking a seat and picking up his own metallic spoon.

"It is, I swear." Niall explained, finishing his own slice, about to start on the other. Way too mesmerised over the taste to debate how good or how crap it may be. Liam took a bite of it, devouring the taste - he pleasantly hummed, "You're right, it's good.. Do you think they put like, crack in the stuff they make here because how is it so mouth watering?"

Zayn tried it, nodding, "That is good. Maybe not crack though, perhaps sugar? Like a totally insane amount of sugar that will make our brains go crazy and teeth rot?" Liam thought about it and shrugged, "Probably. That's also a good reason for Niall to not get anymore because before we know it, he'll be bouncing off the walls and laughing his head off at his own stupid jokes. Trust me. It happens way too often."

"I don't do that." He whined, finishing off the white chocolate cake he had picked out for himself and taking a final sip of his drink. "Or do I?"

"You do, it's entertaining to be fair but I can't be dealing with looking after a chaotic man child right now. Are we all finished now?" Liam asked, Zayn nodded, downing the rest of his juice so that it wasn't left to waste, especially knowing that Liam was paying. Zayn looked at him with a pout at the use of the phrase 'man child' - Liam just looked sympathetic and rubbed his knee.

"Yeah, I'm finished. I'll go get the bill for us." Niall said, standing up, "Alright. I'm paying though, Horan."

"Oh really?" He grinned, grabbing it and handing it to Liam, the boy put a couple of notes down onto the small tray in which the bill was placed on and then handed it back in towards the waiters who took it and counted up. "All done. Should we go? You can make a start on that artwork once we are back, Z."

Zayn bobbed his head gently, getting out of the booth. "...Yeah, still need to think of a good breed though because I don't think a labra-huaha would pass."

"I imagine it would if you really put your mind to it," Niall said, "Think of it, it's artwork... You can make it happen. Artwork has meanings and you can do whatever you want with it, whereas with football there are guidelines and rules."

Zayn giggled, "Yeah, but also it's a university degree and my tutor will be judging it seriously, it can have meaning but I really don't think making up a dog breed has much meaning." Niall shrugged with a grin, "I imagine it would probably really hurt if a labrador fucked a chihuahua due to the size difference. And I guess not. Right, I'll be off and I'll see you two on our night-out, whenever it happens. Text me about it though, Li?."

"Will do. We'll see you, mate." Liam said and wrapped his arms around Niall. Niall rubbed his back and pulled apart, "It was nice getting to know you, Zayn." He smiled and Zayn smiled back, "It was nice getting to know you as well." With a wave to say goodbye and a final pat to Liam's back in a very stereotypical bro looking way, Niall left and it was just the two of them.

Liam sighed contently, happy with how the day had gone. "The dorm now then, yeah?"


"Sorry for my use of 'man child' - but I swear down, that's what Niall can be like." Liam muttered, Zayn nodded, "s' fine."


the only time i feel i might get better (is when we are together) - ziamWhere stories live. Discover now