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Chapter 37

The Mo family’s shares fell again, and Mo San Zhi…

He was completely left in the dust.

Known as a passionate and gentleman in his previous life, touching countless women’s hearts countrywide and Hua Xia’s visionary designer Mo San Zhi, was never to rise again.

Truly a delightful event.

Mo Di was in such a good mood that even Lai De Si could tell by just looking. He asked curiously: “Little Mo Di, what are you so happy about?”

“Oh, the results of the first elimination round in the game competition are to be announced soon. Of course, I’m happy.” Mo Di replied with a poker-face.

“Ok then….can you lend Suan Suan to me for a while? “ Lai De Si was coveting the white fluffy Suan Suan in Mo Di’s embrace.

“I’m afraid for now it’s not possible. Suan Suan is still not familiar with you, he’ll be scared if you hold him.”

“No that won’t happen. I’m just going to hug him for a little while. Just a short while!” Lai De Si came to Mo Di’s side.

“You just don’t believe me…” Mo Di sighed and tried to put Suan Suan next to Lai De Si. As it turned out before he even let go, Suan Suan’s tiny body shook and the furry little paws scratched his arms frenziedly, trying to drill back into his body.

Mo Di was quite touched. He quickly took Suan Suan back and rubbed his small head. He coaxed: “good Suan Suan, good boy, don’t be afraid. There’s nothing to be scared….” 

Then he turned to Lai De Si and said: “See, I wasn’t lying to you. Let’s give it a couple more days. After two days, when he’s familiar with you, you can try to hold him again.”


When Lai De Si wanted to say something else, Mu Tian Heng came over with a cup of fresh grape juice and passed it to Mo Di. He then fished Suan Suan up with his long arm and said: “I’ll hold him for a bit while you drink the juice.”

“!” Lai De Si was provoked. “Wait! Why isn’t Suan Suan afraid of him?!”

“Because Suan Suan is already familiar with me. Too bad he’s just unfamiliar with you.” Mu Tian Heng smiled and said.

Lai De Si was pissed. He pounded his head on the sofa.

“I can’t live out my days anymore. Everyone, including the dog, is bullying me!”

Mo Di finished his sweet and sour grape juice finally comforted him with some humane words: “He’ll open up to you sooner or later. It might even be tomorrow.”

“Wan woo~”

Suan Suan felt the familiar scent as he laid in Mu Tian Heng’s embrace comfortably. His paws curled up and his eyes narrowed, then he made a baby whimper.

“Look, Suan Suan is also comforting you.” Mo Di smiled.

Lai De Si raised his brows and sulked at Mo Di and Suan Suan: “Although I’m a big-hearted man, now I’m hurt. I don’t want to talk to you people anymore.”

“Ignore him.” Mu Tian Heng rubbed Mo Di’s hair lightly: “The host already started to announce the name list, let’s watch.” He then picked up the remote control and turned up the volume.

Mo Di quickly shifted his focus. The host on the stage was opening the envelope handed over by the staff. He then began to introduce the games that had passed the test one by one. Just like in the audition round, the HD screen behind the hosts will broadcast a short trailer for the game at the same time its title was introduced. 

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