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Chapter 91

Edited and Proofread by KitKat

 Yang Qi Quan, who had dabbled in the frivolous society for many years, was not only a weathercock but also a greedy and selfish man. He could be described as someone who would go to any lengths for self-preservation. His personal motto was ‘every man for himself’ and he had never strayed from it.

At least he was neither a rapist or murderer nor was he aiding someone to curb their sentence. He was acquainted with others who were willing to help a killer or convicted rapist go scot-free, so in retrospect, what was faking a medical record for depression? It was nothing serious. 

And even if someone else were to suffer because of this fake report, it was not his direct doing and hence, there was no need for him to have any guilt over it. He knew this twisted moral compass of his would be reviled so he had always kept it to himself and only associated with like-minded people.

And the man who came to have him fabricate a medical report for depression was very much to his liking, but not as much as the rewards he promised. 

Yang Qi Quan’s pay as a physician was high but it was not enough for him to afford a big house in the capital. His wife with her head nurse salary and his own salary saved up over a decade only amounted to four million yuan. It was with their parents’ help that they could afford the six million yuan down payment for the well-located house in an expensive school district.

He had two children who were about to start elementary school and he couldn’t have them live in a small house and go to a regular school. He had a reputation to uphold. But to repay the remaining loans, it would have taken him another twenty to thirty years and by then he would have already been sixty!

Now that he could be rid of this debt by faking a little medical report, how perfect was that?!

What’s more…

From what he could tell, the man had every intention to hire him as his family’s doctor; even the contract had been prepared in advance. To be able to work for such a generous and like-minded ‘thigh’, what more could he have asked for? 


The topic regarding Mo Liu Gui’s depression had been on the Internet for two whole days.

From the beginning, the news erupted to the top three places, then to the top ten, and currently, it stood within the top forty places. 

However, this was not because her supporters were diminishing or the water army not doing their job but because her popularity was dwindling fast amongst the regular masses.

But that did not stay long…

On the morning of the third day, two new hot-searches about Mo Liu Gui shot straight to the top and second spot. 

‘Mo Liu Gui’s Depression Was Real’

‘Everyone Owes Mo Liu Gui an Apology’

Several websites began posting essays about the whole event from whence she claimed to have depression to her having had to endure the accusations from the public in the past two days, and finally having the truth come out. They sighed for her fate and praised her to the moon.

And of course, these articles were accompanied with the decisive photo – 

Mo Liu Gui’s medical record.


The sudden reversal started a whole new wave of comments. Mo Liu Gui’s fans and water army began their dance on the major online platforms to blow this matter to the sky.

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