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Chapter 73

A flash of enmity crossed Ye Cheng Feng’s eyes the moment he saw Mo Di. Ye Cheng Feng quickly retrieved his gaze and showed a gentlemanly smile: “Hello, you are…”

“Mo Di.” Mo Di pointed to his nameplate.

“Oh, so you’re Mo Di. I’ve heard so much about you. You ranked first in the College Entrance Exam, and a dark horse at that.” Ye Cheng Feng smiled and continued: “I heard that your scores from before were vastly different though. It’s quite unbelievable that you excel at the last minute.”

“Cough …that… shall we go out to wait for the other teams’ captains? It’s getting boring here.” Li Qingqing deliberately broke off the conversation. Something seemed off about the way Ye Cheng Feng talked, it was obviously different from when they were chatting previously.

“Fine by me.” Ye Cheng Feng responded politely but in fact, was very displeased.

Seeing Mo Di reminded him of the pain he had caused Xiao Gui and Ye Cheng Feng lost himself for a moment. But he refused to display his aggression as it will taint his public image.

The same goes for Mo Di, he remained indifferent and smiled at Li Qingqing: “I have to use the bathroom first, you guys go ahead.”

“Alright, alright.” Li Qingqing pointed: “It’s on the left corridor.”

“Thank you.”

After exiting the break room, Mo Di hurried to the bathroom. He sent Mu Tian Heng a text then took out a miniature recorder in the form of a cufflink and placed it in his pocket.



When Mo Di returned, there were three new arrivals in the room. All of them were men and one of them was a bald man of about thirty in age. Mo Di unconsciously touched his hair and decided to stay up late as little as possible. The occupational hazard of a programmer was quite devastating in the long run.

When Mo Di came in, everyone was chatting lively.

“Oh me? I’m the captain of Puppet Games.” Li Qingqing introduced herself, “There are ten girls and ten boys in our team. Very well balanced.”

“That’s hard to come by. I’m envious.”

Talking to Li Qingqing was Hua Tian who was wearing a black shirt with suit pants, “I’m the captain of Four Seasons. We have seventeen dudes and only three girls. The gender ratio is just too different.”

“I’m the captain of Poison Kiss.” Shao Changkang, a chubby man in the plaid shirt interjected: “We’re all men but our team mainly makes shojo games that are more appealing to females. It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? Hahaha.” 

Mo Di was not at all surprised by the reveal since he knew all these facts beforehand. However, the others were thoroughly shocked. Li Qingqing exclaimed: “You guys are the creators of Love Cards?!!”

“That’s right.” Shao Changkang raised his eyebrows with pride.

The camera crew circled them enthusiastically, making sure to capture the first explosive news.

A group of men making popular games for girls, the revelation was quite unexpected.

The other top game was Legend, also created by a team entirely made up of males and several of them were foreigners.

Oddly enough, the game made by Ye Cheng Feng was an unimpressive sports game currently in the eighth position.

However, Mo Di was fully aware that that was not Ye Cheng Feng’s highest potential, surely he had an ace up his sleeve. And he had to bring it out soon since only six teams could advance to the next round.

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