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| Adrian |

I don't really remember a time without my baby brother. He was born when I was a little more than one so trying to even imagine life without him would have felt strange, wrong even. He used to follow me around copying everything I did, and would always bring me a badly made hot chocolate when I was sad to try and make me feel better.

I don't really remember much of a time without my best friend either. Ever since we bonded over our love for Pokemon we'd been inseparable. He was more than a best friend in fact, he was family. I've told him every secret I've ever had, gone to him for advice when I had no idea what to do in one situation or another. And I've always had his back whenever some ignorant fuck decided to say something about his sexuality.

Now there was something strange happening between these two people that I loved. Cam hadn't stopped smiling all the way to the cinema and it had started from the moment Te complimented that jacket I told him to wear. I wasn't naive. I knew there was something going on long before Te was even back. The both of them were constantly asking me how the other was instead of just asking each other themselves. I think they were both scared of something, their own feelings perhaps.

And I knew it all started from whatever happened the summer before. I have my guesses of what it could have been. Cam was so different now. He's gotten better but back then he basically flinched at anyone's touch, and he stopped going out with people, and every time some sexual scene came on TV, when we were watching something as a family, it was still awkward, as any child would feel seeing that in front of their parents, but he looked downright uncomfortable almost fearful. I can't be one hundred percent sure I know what happened, and I try to remain hopeful that it wasn't what I think, but I know there is too high of a likelihood that it was.

I hate that I wasn't there to protect my brother, but grateful that Te was. When they came home that night and Cam was in such a state, I could barely stand to look at him. I'd never seen him so sad and never been so worried about anyone in my life. I'll never let anything happen to him again.

But what do I do about whatever's happening in front of me now?

I trust Mateo, but he's my baby brother. How much do I step in? I know I can be a little overprotective at times so I didn't understand what boundaries I could and couldn't cross in this situation.

Cam was sat in the back of the car, and I could see Te looking back at him through the mirror every now and then. A stupid little smile he tried to hide tugging at his lips. But Cam's mood had been instantly improved as soon as Te was back. It was nice to see him he more of himself the way he used to be again. And I don't know, Te kind of seemed happier too.

And I would be lying if I said they didn't suit each other. There had been a couple times after both of them coming out where people suggested they should date. Of course, I partly think it was because they were both into guys and some people are ignorant and think all gay/bi people should just date regardless of any other factors, but I think some people genuinely though they would have looked good together. And maybe they would.

It was still strange to me though.

My best friend and my brother.

And then we got to the cinema and Te offered to buy Cam popcorn and Cam suggested they could get a big one to share. Of course, I was left out of the equation, not that I minded that much.

And then they're sat there in the cinema itself speaking in hushed tones about whatever's happening in the movie and laughing to themselves. Maybe I felt a little left out at that point, but it was okay. I'd not seen Cam laugh or smile so much in such a long time that I found myself smiling too. Any worries I had about the two of them slowly being forgotten. And then, they both went for popcorn at the same time and their hands touched and it was the most cliché thing I had ever seen but they both pulled away and blushed and these stupid shy grins formed on their faces. And Te pushed the popcorn more in Cam's direction so he could get some. And it was all so cheesy but dammit, they looked nice together.

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