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| Mateo |

I'd been spending time at home for the last couple days now. I'd always find myself spending 24/7 in the Morris house and then want to give them all a break from me and actually stay at my own house for a while, even if I hated being here.

Although, it wasn't as bad now as it used to be. Mum did seem to be getting her act together. Even if I still didn't really want anything to do with her, it was nice to not come home to her drunk and passed out on our couch or with some guy I'd never met before. And mum's boyfriend's, Marc's, kids were actually not the worst company. They weren't exactly happy about our parents being together, same as me, but we did seem to get along just fine.

Lilliana, the older of Marc's two daughters, was hanging out in my room with me before I did eventually go back to the Morris house today. I wanted to hang out with my best friend again and I'd also been missing Cam's beautiful grey eyes.

"What are these?" Lilliana asked finding my basket of records on my bookshelf that held only a few books and an assortment of other trinkets.

"Records. For the record player," I said nodding my head over to where the player sat on its own dedicated little table by the window. "You can put something on if you want."

"Will you do it? I don't wanna break it," Lilliana said. She was a sweet girl.

I chose an old Queen record that my dad gave me while I was in Spain. I became kind of obsessed with Freddie Mercury for a little while when I finally figured out my sexuality, so I used to listen to all of his and his band's music.

"You definitely know Queen, right?" I asked Lilliana. "You're not that much younger than me so if you tell me now that you don't know them, I will actually sit you down and make you listen to every one of their songs."

She just laughed. "Yeah, I know who fucking Queen is. I'm not an idiot." I rolled my eyes and carefully put the record on the record player and let the needle gently hit its surface. The music rolled off the record encompassing my room in the sweet melody of 'Under Pressure'.

"Wasn't the lead like bi too?" Lilliana asked.

"You mean the lead Freddie Mercury," I said astonished for a second that she might have been unsure of his name. "Yeah. I mean I'm not sure the band ever openly said the word 'bisexual', but he never really hid his sexuality or anything."

"Oh cool. How did you know you were bi?" she asked her hazel eyes locking with my own for a brief moment.

"What's with all the questions today, hmm?" I questioned her myself with an eyebrow raise as I jumped on my bed. She'd taken a seat on the windowsill by the record player, her golden hair shining in the sunlight that filtered through into my room.

"I'm just wondering..." she said quietly thinking about something. "I just feel like... I still don't know like a lot about you. And our parents are getting married, you know. I just want to know more about my future brother I guess."

I felt bad then. How our parents were had nothing to do with Lilliana or her sister, Ellie, but I was barely home and never spent any time with them. I was going to be their older brother soon and that was definitely not something I was bitter about. I'd just never really had siblings before, and I guess I got used to doing things on my own that I didn't really think they would want to hang out with me.

"I umm... I just knew. I was like around 15 or 16 things just kind of slowly clicked into place and I realised I looked at guys as much as I looked at girls. There wasn't really like a specific moment or anything," I told her.

She nodded. "Okay. Cool."

"Hey, why don't you get Ellie, and us three will go do something?" I suggested wanted to get out the house and spend some time with my future sisters.

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