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The wedding is absolutely gorgeous. It's in a church I've never been in but Jack's heard me go on and on about the beautiful stained glass windows. That's why he chose this place.

And the decorations are just insane. It's all trippy and weird and so, totally Jack. He told me to think Willy Wonka when I chose the food and I didn't realise that he actually told me the theme of it all.

He's wearing an electric blue tuxedo with a green tie and hot dog socks. I can't believe he would be so eccentric for our wedding but at the same time, I can't believe he wouldn't. I'm left there just wearing normal clothing with a soccer ball tie. I wanted to surprise him with the tie, but it seems like he already knew, which he probably did. Jack likes to snoop. I thought I hid it pretty well.

But of course, there has to be some bad mixed in with the good.

I forget my vows.

Jack just laughs at me when I tell him.

"You know, I'm sure they were awesome," he says.

"But now you don't get to hear them. Writing is my thing. This is what I do. How in the world did I forget?"

Jack smiles at me. "Just make something up. You're good at that, aren't you?"

"That would be your thing. Um... I really, really love you. You're my best friend. I... I can't think of any more words. Why can't I think of any more words? I'm usually a walking dictionary."

Jack's smile turns into a sly grin. "I knew you'd forget under the pressure, so I took your notecards yesterday and read them. They were very nice, thank you."

"So that's where they went!"

His smile disappears. "Did I forget to put them back?"

I attempt to keep a straight face as I dramatically say, "Thief! I cannot marry a thief. It's against my moral code."

I take a step toward the aisle, away from Jack. He grabs my tie and pulls me back to him, saying, "Get back up here, you loser."

Everyone laughs. The wedding continues normally after Jack reads my vows back to me, apparently he memorized them just to show me up.

It's amazing, overall. Absolutely breathtaking. I saw Jen in the crowd with one of her friends but we didn't talk. She just smiled at me and wiped away some tears. Aaron still needed some time, I guess. That's fine by me. I don't want anything to do with him.

Hunter was there. Jack sent him an invitation and didn't tell me until I saw him at the reception. He bought us a toaster. I don't really know how to feel about that, but Jack's over the moon. He was really worried about our friendship like I was, so he hoped Hunter would come as a gesture of good faith and the hope that we could fix our problems. Plus, he's well aware of Jack's obsession with buttered toast.

I don't know how salvageable our relationship is.

I mean, we were such good friends for so long. But after what he's said to us, I don't know if I want to be around him anymore.

Cabin Nine [[Revised Edition] Under FURTHER Revision]Where stories live. Discover now