Bonus - Kaylee

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I wouldn't call Jack Prout my nemesis.

Maybe my competition.

But not my nemesis.

Every time I attempt to make plans with Tyler, he says, "Sorry, I'm supposed to do homework with Jack" or "Sorry, Jack and I are going to play with the cats at the animal shelter" and then I feel like a bitch for wanting him to cancel and spend time with me.

He never does.

It's always him.

Jack Prout.

I swear, the man is head-over-heels for Tyler, who is blissfully unaware.

Or so I thought.

Tyler comes over to hang out. We watch movies in the family room. He curls up next to me and falls right asleep. He's been stressed out all week because there's only a month before finals. Which is more than enough time for him to study, but he has a horrible memory, so he likes to get an early start.

And you wanna know how I found out that my boyfriend is in love with his best friend? His sleep talking.

But it doesn't matter. It can't. He loves me too, doesn't he? Otherwise he wouldn't put up with my bullshit. He wouldn't. No else one does.

And yeah, Tyler's an amazing person. He cares so much about everyone. But he's got a limit. I'm sure I've hit it more than a few times. So why hasn't he broken up with me?

It's the only logical answer.

He loves me.

The man passed my dad's makeout test. And immediately left my house. Surely that was out of respect. Not because of Jack. It had to be respect.

He actually fell out of my bed. Right onto his bad wrist. No one has ever recoiled so quickly.

And he stayed with me. Even after that.

That's love, right?

He loves me. 

Cabin Nine [[Revised Edition] Under FURTHER Revision]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum