Eleven, but Not From Stranger Things

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A while later, we adopt a fourteen year old boy named Micah. He changes his last name to Prout like us and Jack helps him decorate his room.

Then comes Harley. She's seventeen and chooses to keep her own last name. Yoshida. It's hard for her at first because she feels like she's replacing her parents. They were great, as far as we heard. They died in a car accident that also killed Harley's three year old brother.

Along comes Sarah, Tristan, and Aurelia Prout. Their parents were heavy drinkers so Aurelia, the oldest at fourteen, took her twelve year old brother and ten year old sister and they lived wherever they could until they were caught and sent to us.

After that, our house is completely full. Jack and I are happy. We have five kids that are all teenagers or close to it and we handle it beautifully. I check on them at school constantly. Jack hovers over them at home. They all know what happened to Raven, so they don't complain unless we get too overprotective.

For four blissful years, it's just the seven of us. Harley takes three years to start college after graduating high school, so she lives with us until then.

Once Micah and Aurelia turn eighteen, they move out. It's not because of us, they say. They have an agreement with Harley that they'll all rent an apartment together. They've all been accepted to the same college and they've been saving money since freshman year, all of them. I guess they planned the whole thing. The three of them have always been close despite all coming from different places.

At that point, we have room for thirteen year old Margaret and two year old Freddie. They're both a handful but they're great kids. A few months after they've adapted to the house, we get June and Harvey, six and sixteen respectively. Then comes fifteen year old Jade and eight year old Myra Kennedy. They choose to keep their surname out of respect for their biological parents.

Jack and I are thirty-three years old and we have eleven children.

After everything we've been through, I can't believe we're here. This is really how I wanted my life to turn out. Honestly, I'm just surprised we got here.

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