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We come back from a honeymoon in London and are surprised to find that Mom and Dad have moved all of my stuff out of my room and into Jack's room. My room turned back into the guest room. We don't ask about it, but they casually mention that there's a wonderful new addition to the house available if we ever want to have guests over.

David makes sure he's in town when we come back, so we have dinner with Louisa, Susie, and David. He's the only one with money, so he pays. Jack and I say we'll pay him back but David just laughs like he knows we won't, which is probably true.

Jack and I have to save money to move out once we're done with college, so we won't have any loose money for a while. I mean, I still live with my parents and they send Jack some food money every few weeks. He works and saves everything he doesn't use for rent. His parents are pretty generous with their money-giving habits.

It's all fine, though.

Because we're yellow and pink and wonderful and I've never been this happy.

I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him.

Cabin Nine [[Revised Edition] Under FURTHER Revision]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें