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sixteen years old

I know he's back when he accidentally wakes me up at five thirty. Bedding and all, he's moved back in. I don't know how he managed to do it without waking anyone up, especially me. He usually has to stand on my bed to put his sheets on.

Jack rummages as softly as he can under the bed for his Wacky Wednesday gear. I sleepily try to smack his back because he woke me up, but it mostly just ends up a pat. He tries to look up at me and hits his head on the bed frame. I laugh and promptly get shushed.

He whispers a good morning, already glowing yellow. I give him a lazy thumbs up and go back to sleep.

Jack wakes me up again an hour later so I can get ready for Wacky Wednesday.

As usual, he's wearing a giant cloak to conceal his clothes until I help him with his hair. He's always loved a big reveal. He lets me brush my teeth before he joins me in the bathroom and has me gel his hair into two giant auburn spikes on top of his head like a mohawk. Turns out his hair is actually pretty long when it's not in his natural curls.

Jack promises that he chose the bow at random, but I can't help but laugh at the fact that it's a glittery rainbow

As soon as the bow is situated between his hair spikes and I've sworn to stop making fun of him, Jack dramatically rips off his cloak to reveal his costume.

His first layer is this awful blue wool turtleneck and white leggings that hes written "paper towel" all over in multicolored Sharpie. Layered over that is a sickly green 20s flapper costume complete with pearls and white elbow length silk gloves. The turtleneck hangs lower than the dress and that makes it so much worse somehow.

I love it.

It's not the weirdest he's done but it's definitely the most random, which makes me doubt my ability to wear whatever he brought for me. I don't have Jack's confidence but I haven't yet chickened out of wearing his costumes.

We hold off on that, though. Jack checks his watch and tells me that we only have twenty minutes before everyone else gets up and it'll take maybe fifteen to get my costume on, so we have five minutes to ourselves.

I like the way we spend it. Jack is wearing these insane platform shoes, so he's taller than me for once. He uses that advantage and pushes me into the wall to kiss me like there's no tomorrow.

It ends earlier than I find myself wanting, which is a shock. I've been with Kaylee for so long and I've never seen her in a bathing suit and yet, here I am, alone with Jack for the third time since everything happened, and I can't seem to stop my hands from wandering.

Jack very reluctantly leaves me alone to change and I dig into this year's bag of wackiness.

It's a Spiderman suit paired with an insanely poofy rainbow-glitter tutu and a clown wig. And to match his platform shoes, he's given me black knee-high leather boots that lace all the way up to my knee and have a five inch heel. I don't know if I can walk in these all day. I'm already 6'3" and the shoes make me 6'8". Can I even fit through doors? I can barely walk in flip flops as it is, I'm going to hit my head on everything today.

I find out that I just barely fit through the doorway when I go to join the rest of the cabin. I don't hit my head on the frame, but I can feel it on my hair. I guess I'll spend my day ducking. And so will Jack. His shoes make him two inches taller than me even with my boots, so we both tower over everyone else. I already did, but it's weirder to be up this high.

We are 1000% the wackiest of our cabin. Dominic takes one look at me and bursts out laughing, startling two people awake. The whole cabin seems a little bit surprised that Jack is back so suddenly but they don't say anything, so Jack fills the silence by commenting on the lameness of their Wacky Wednesday getup. Most of them have just turned their clothes inside out or backwards.

Cabin Nine [[Revised Edition] Under FURTHER Revision]Where stories live. Discover now