Ding-Dong, the Witch is Dead

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It takes five years for my relationship with my mother to get back to anything resembling normal. Jack fully supports the transition and acts as a buffer when I need him to.

Aaron Ybarra died two weeks after I was notified of his illness and my mother quickly went back to her maiden name. Per his direction, I was not invited to the funeral, nor was I included in his will. He gave all of his belongings to my mother and all of his money to Susan Ybarra. David was given a sum of ten dollars, which he accepts in cash and frames as a satirical memory of his father. Louisa gets his car. Probably because hers sucks.

I don't mind being excluded. I don't want anything from him.

My mother sells everything he gave her and starts anew. For the first time, I see her truly happy with her life.

Cabin Nine [[Revised Edition] Under FURTHER Revision]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora