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fourteen years old

High school is absolutely terrifying.

Jack fits right in. He always does. He's my only friend, just like always. These high school kids don't take to the mundane middle school popular-by-association rules.

So basically I'm just that loser that follows Jack around like a lost puppy. We signed up for all the same electives, so we have three classes together. It's better this year. Some of the older kids see me as a nerdy-cute freshman and adopt me into their group. They make sure nobody makes fun of me. Jack, being a lowly freshman, can't do all that much.

It's not as awkward between us anymore. With a whole summer to figure everything out, I've learned to control my "feelings" and not think about Jack that way. Instead, I focus on improving my chess strategy. Which might be why I have the highest win rate in the entire chess club.

Okay, maybe the whole not-thinking thing wasn't as easy as it sounds.

I got really good at chess.

I think the older kids think they're my friends. I don't actually know them that well. Honestly, I can barely remember their names. But Jack and I don't have the same lunch period, so they all pile into my lunch table and act like we've all known each other for years. Sometimes they talk about me like I'm not there.

They keep hinting that they think Jack and I are dating. I keep insisting we're not, but they don't believe me. Maybe it's because I go beet red every time they say it. I don't tell Jack. I tell myself he wouldn't like the suggestion but I know that's a lie. Sure, he'd be uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean anything. He'd shake it off after a few days and we'd be fine.

I'm the one that can't let go.

I need to focus on something else. I really do.

And by some miracle, it happens.

A girl from my second period class comes up to me at lunch and asks me out. My entire table "ooh"s at us like we're in elementary school.

I panic and invite her to go to church with me.

She seems a little confused before I explain that we have church on Wednesday nights too. I don't know. I'd assumed it was common knowledge. But when I'm done stammering out an explanation, she smiles and blushes and says yes. We exchange numbers somewhat awkwardly and I spend the entire lunch period staring at the numbers, my stomach churning.

Her name is Kaylee. I learn that by checking the seating chart in our common class after school. I mean, I kind of need to know her name if I'm going to "hang out" with her.

She shows up at church and introduces herself as my friend, which I'm deeply grateful for. Jack keeps doing this sort of half-glare look at her and I don't know why. When I ask, he just says something's off about her. I know he's lying. He's probably lying. He's a really good liar, okay? I can't always tell. But when I see him glare at her, that's not the vibe I get. He's just an ugly shade of green the whole night until we go to the swings.

We always go to the swings after church ends. It's our thing. One of them, anyway. We've been friends too long not to have traditions like that. Kaylee follows us and watches us swing for a few minutes. And she asks me to see a movie with her as a date.

Jack nearly falls out of his swing. I'm too stunned to speak, so Jack does it for me after a long hesitation. A very long hesitation. So long that it's awkward when he finally says, "He'd be honored. Uh... What time should we pick you up?"

Kaylee grins. "Eightish? The movie starts at eight-thirty."

"We'll be there," Jack says. When she looks confused he adds, "Yes, I mean we. I have to make sure he actually talks to you. Don't worry, I won't, like, follow you into the theater or something. I'll just be in the car. Not driving. David will drive. Oh, crap!"

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