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Jack and I talk all the time during the next school year. We visit more often, though it's much harder to now that we're both so busy. His friend Phillip mysteriously stopped talking to him once he heard news of our engagement, so that's good. I didn't like him at all. The rest of his friends seem happy for us, though.

I never called Jen, but we sent her an invitation to the wedding. She didn't give us any acknowledgement.

I'm not that broken up about it but Jack thinks I am. I don't tell him otherwise because then he'll stop buying me a bunch of chocolate and sweets. Not that I couldn't buy it myself, but it's better when it comes from him. Maybe he's right and I should wallow.

Jack won't let me help with any of the wedding planning. He says it's because I have no sense of style, but I think he just wants to do it all himself so he can surprise me. If that's not it, it's because he's a control freak. He won't let me see his planning binder. However, while he's good at decor, food is my thing. So he lets me take care of the food and I have a vague notion of the energy and colour of the wedding. Jack tells me to think Willy Wonka when I decide on things. It's not much of a job, but at least he's letting me do something. I don't know how i feel about that Willy Wonka theme but Jack is very excited.

But he's still worried about my relationship with my parents. Specifically my mother, probably because she had a moment of weakness and let me know she's watching.

Jack reminds me of it constantly. Usually when we're in a public place so I can't blow up on him immediately. This particular time, we're in a store and Jack is patiently and lovingly putting up with my urge to smell every candle on the shelf.

I hold one up for Jack to smell. When I see the person standing behind him, It falls from my hands and I feel my heart already shattering. Jack catches it smoothly and follows my eyes to the end of the aisle.

Where Jen is standing.

She's holding the straps to her purse so tightly that her knuckles are white. Jack stares at her for a second and carefully looks back at me. He gently sets the candle back on the shelf, kisses my cheek, and says, "I'll be over there if you need me."

And he leaves me alone with my mother.

Jen takes one step forward and I take one step back. She doesn't attempt to come closer.

"What do you want?" I ask. It comes out more coldly than I intend.

"I want my son back."

"You already have one. You've proven that you don't need more."

Her eyes get watery. I try not to look at her, instead following the crack in the tiles at my feet.

"I got the invitation," she says dejectedly.

I want to leave. I want to walk out of here and never see her again.

"Don't worry." I reply. "Mom and Dad are paying for all of it. You and Aaron don't need to spend a dime."

She looks hurt. "That's not what I meant."

"I don't care."

"I'm trying to convince your father." I stare blankly at her. I always knew that he controlled things but does it really extend to this? "I want to go," she pleads. "Believe me."

She's trying to convince me that he's the problem, not her. He might've been the one that made all the bloody decisions, but she didn't fight for me and she's the one who really disapproved. My entire life, he was the indifferent one and she chose to treat me like a freak.

But as much as I hate it, I want them back.

"Fine," I say flatly. "We need confirmation in two weeks max. If you can't convince him, bring someone else."

I turn around and walk away. That was a start. Kind of. A bitter and reluctant one, but a start nonetheless.

I find Jack in the next aisle, playing with a ball of yarn. He sees my face and doesn't say a word, he just hugs me. I can still feel her eyes on me. They don't leave until we've circled around the building twice and I still haven't looked at her.

I tell myself that I don't care if she comes or not, but I do. I just don't know if I actually want her there.

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